So let me get this right, you are saying that Jehovah is Jesus!
Jehovah created Jesus, now we all know that from the Bible at Colossians chap 1, vss 15,16,17,18- Jesus is the image of the invisible God, FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION, through him ALL other things were Created. and.. you are saying that if Jehovah is Jesus, he deemed it a necessity to change his persona of a creator spirit creature?? and become infused in a woman via the Holy Spirit/Ghost to save imperfect humankind?? Does that make sense to you--- a creator of our galaxy, apparently millions of others, as scientists are now expounding, to do this himself when he has myriads of angels -not to mention archangels, at his command.. it makes sense Jehovah/Yahweh has a "right hand man" someone who did it all under his guidance and because things went terribly wrong, he (Jesus) had to come to earth to clean it up..
Jesus was called Mighty God, not Almighty God at Isaiah 9:6 KJV- he is a Prince - the Prince of Peace - notice he isnt the King of Peace and how is it that In Revelation we read of both Jesus and Jehovah?? Why did Jesus continually talk about his Father?
Now I know that over the centuries some scribes and copyists may have changed things slightly, and we have only copies of copies to go by as we read a bible compiled by the RC church way back when... but the scripture in Genesis when God said, LET US GO down indicates some kind of hierarchy was in play... and it wasnt Jehovahs witnesses who invented the name Jehovah - it is in the King James and many other bibles. So what if we call him Yahweh, so what, it still isnt Jesus! Two different names with two different meanings.