Your forgiven , I do have a sense of humor and appreciate it - some topics get kinda heavy
We all need a good laugh now an then
does anyone know if any assemblies have been cancelled due to h1n1 virus?
bc is being especially hit hard by the virus... any rumors??.
canada has not had the virus memo read out in the congs -- anyone can correct me if this has been done... i know it was read in the us and spain.... thanks.
Your forgiven , I do have a sense of humor and appreciate it - some topics get kinda heavy
We all need a good laugh now an then
does anyone know if any assemblies have been cancelled due to h1n1 virus?
bc is being especially hit hard by the virus... any rumors??.
canada has not had the virus memo read out in the congs -- anyone can correct me if this has been done... i know it was read in the us and spain.... thanks.
You are funny!
But right now there is that old virus attacking everyone.. just wondering if due to the coughing and hacking and fever IF even the health dept is warning about closing all such activities?
does anyone know if any assemblies have been cancelled due to h1n1 virus?
bc is being especially hit hard by the virus... any rumors??.
canada has not had the virus memo read out in the congs -- anyone can correct me if this has been done... i know it was read in the us and spain.... thanks.
Does anyone know if any assemblies have been cancelled due to H1N1 virus? BC is being especially hit hard by the virus... any rumors??
Canada has not had the virus memo read out in the congs -- anyone can correct me if this has been done... I know it was read in the US and Spain...
we got a call a couple of days ago from this older brother in the hall.
he is a great guy who is in his eighties.
he has a very hard time walking and just getting around because of old age but he is the kindest man.
Is your hubby an elder or MS?? Even if a pub.. its nice that this older pub can call him to get picked up... some cong have a list to make sure no one is left out --- The admonition to those who cannot, for whatever reason, get out in FS is to not worry, if they can put in 15 min a month, its ok, they are not told to gt out to obtain any quotas -- this has been in place now for several years... and there are a lot of older and sick ones who just cannot do it..they cant even get to the mtgs - as they are on phone hook up ....Jehovah knows of their work and efforts previously, so time gets to us all, and the bodies are breaking down and cant do what it used to - I would say, it would be loving on the cong part to ensure this gentlemen is visited and asked out for meals, etc. to let him know he is a valued member of the flock.. somewhere he feels he has to do this and that just isnt so
hi...i have come across the jw text that says that "the word was a god" john 1:1...who is that "god"?
another god?
is him jesus?...
SO JD, did u answer the scripture at 1 John 5:1,5-8 indicating you are calling God a liar by saying Jesus is not his SON ??
you quote a lot of worldly expertise works alluding to the notion that Jesus and God are one, yet the scriptures still indicate two - and the holy spirit would be another, yet all had the same goal, hence could be referred to as one - one in purpose,unity, and if I remember correctly, when Jesus said he and the father were one- he meant in purpose.. to restore the earth to what it was designed to be - a perfect home for us who are "meek".. you indicated an example of a president who was sick, and the VP taking over, but they are still two individuals - with the same goal and purpose, I would hope...
\..And Jesus could rightly be called Eternal Father as he, by his death, allowed us to live if we accept him... I dont see a problem there...
as a side note - a vast majority of names in the bible allude to the Name Jehovah -- i.e. Jehovah is God, Jehovah is My God, etc.. check the Jewish name dictionary -- there was a God of the Israelites, Jehovah, they honored Him by adding His name to their Children for posterity, if nothing else.. so let's get that one out of the way... God has a name -- Jesus has a name - both different, both meanings in Hebrew different,
Also, when Jesus went back to heaven, he did not go with his human body as flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom as shown in 1 Corinthians, one of your statements indicated that, or am I mis reading it...
Where is Narc lately?? I havent had time to read the replies -- and he is a great scholar....
hi...i have come across the jw text that says that "the word was a god" john 1:1...who is that "god"?
another god?
is him jesus?...
I havent posted for awhile,but this subject interests me so the questions I have, if someone can answer , who is it sitting at the right hand of God - -- and who is it that Jesus gives the cleansed earth,system, etc. back to......
Is he sitting at his own right hand, and does he give himself back the cleansed earth after all things have been conquered?
Looking at the Living Bible rather than the NWT Acts 7:55 and Heb 10:12 state he is at God's right hand.. granted one was a situation with Stephen, the other was not..
Eph 2:6,7 shows that God seated the Holy Ones together with Christ -
1Cor 15:28 says the Son will subject HIMSELF to the ONE who subjected all things to HIM... neat trick to give yourself back something...
1 Cor 15:23,24 - very interesting -- mentions 1) the Holy Ones 2) Christ and 3 ) God the Father
Phil 2:9 -- God exalted HIM (Jesus) so we all should worship JESUS
and not to continue, the last one I shall offer is 1 John5:1,5-8 -- context is Do YOU doubt Christ is God's SON?? vs 10: Anyone who doesn't believe this is calling God a liar...
I personally believe that God is Almighty, and Jesus is mighty God, as the bible states, Prince of Peace, etc..
Thanks for your perusal....
10:5, 11, 14; acts 7:53; rev.
(matthew 18:10) see to it that you men do not despise one of these little ones; for i tell you that their angels in heaven always behold the face of my father who is in heaven.. *** w76 8/15 p. 494 par.
not by angels but by a fellow christian.. quote.
AGgree on Par 18 - picked that inference up too!
Double speak within one paragraph - not mentioned when answered today -- so I talked with 2 folks who said they recognized the same thing when studying their lesson, so I dropped it on them and changed the subject after saying it was confusing and what was the org doing?
Also do u remember back about 8 months ago when they said that perhaps an angel told them IN 1935 about the anointed/other sheep directive?? I guess if we have an angel looking over us, then why cant we receive information too
Good study Blondie, thanks for the info, it must take some time to get it all together -- pat on the back to you
if this is actually made, then i guess it will raise some eyebrows.
yes, this is the coin that was shown off at the g8 summit..
well u can kiss all the money you have stuffed in the mattress goodbye if a new world currency takes effect.....
this was batted about a few years ago also..
the words of god do not justify cruelty to women.
jimmey carter.
the observer, sunday 12 july 2009. .
Pro choice in this discussion is not relevant Here is a man, who sees women as being equal--- ladies, that is a huge confession from one who seems to have just recognized this fact since he was a member of the S.B. convention for over 60 years!! Think of how his friends and family would react to this statement..almost like Da yourself from the WTBTS.... he deserves a pat on the back! He was a person of great power and now towards the end of his life, building homes, etc... for the less fortunate receives this lightening bolt! I say -- good for him ... and if the WTBT$$ would relinquish their man hold on the borg, the large army of women, would clean it out like it should be.... Jehovah would be pleased..
well i posted before and got some good advice, so i thought i'd give it another go and see what happens.. to quickly explain the situtaion: my grandma is a jw with two daughters -- my aunt (who is a jw) and my mom (who is not a jw but grew up as one).
my aunt is one of those people who reads a website like webmd and thinks she knows more than any medical doctor.
this concerns my grandma and she talked to my mom about making an appointment with an attorney to set up my mom with power of attorney.
So sorry to hear of what is going on... I dont know what it is with mothers, cause I had a dilly.. but they seem to favor one over the other and especially since the other, in your case, is a JW.. more trustworthy, more reliable, more knowledgable, and on and on...
If your mom will take financial matters over for your gram, tell her to look into it before hand (talk to the income tax dept, etc) cause if and when something happens to gran, your mom will be responsible for monies owing AFTER she dies i.e. Income tax, IRA, etc. and if there are no monies left to pay bills, your mom would be liable to pay them...and perhaps it would be better if the lawyer took care of this end of the business.. as far as the medical end, your gran can do up a living will as per her wishes and no one can dispute what she really wanted.... the elders would have nothing to do with this.... .. this way your mom would not be upset and tell her not to be.... people (relatives) do strange things when it comes to making decisions based on health and money issues...