So sorry to hear of this -- if you have been supporting him - I may be wrong.. and if he files for divorce, do you have to pay alimony to keep him in the style he is accustomed to?? Get a lawyer, if he moves out, is that abandonment and will that stop him from filing for alimony.
Do you have to sign divorce papers or can he get a unscriptural divorce without your signature? COntact a lawyer and see what your rights are... as far as him seeing his daughters, tell him to move around the block and he can have them visit him as you look for work... and send a letter to the hall to the elders and advise them not to give him any counsel or there will be a lawsuit, I am just nasty.. also get legal cousel re the children and his rights to have them to take them to the hall, etc. holidays, vacations out of state, support - he should pay half their expenses... get a lawyer.. I think I have said enough on that score.. plus if you have a mortgage, bills, etc. he should be in for at least half of those as well.. make a list and present it to him, it might jolt him back to reality when he has to support two households...
I would not give him the satisfaction of confronting the other woman - makes him feel he is being fought over.... it will get more difficult as you are now laid off and will have to be home around him and dont allow your fears and frustrations to overflow around the kids.. Send them to their room to play or sleep and turn the tv on when there is to be an argument, if you can hold yourself back long enough.
I have not read all the comments but all I can say is that it will get better and the weight will lift off your shoulders when he is gone, you have your life, do you have parents, siblings, friends, that can help you with the children? Talk to someone and then decide what the best solution is.
As far as him having someone at the Big A - thats a joke, is he crazy? Does he think he is going to go thru with his new chickie? Jesus condemned even looking at a woman with lust in his heart, so what scripture is your husband looking at that he can squirm out of this one? If he is using the Bible as a reference, he doesn't know it very well and it is only an excuse for what he wants to do..