well thankfully i have already escaped i dont have to worry about that
JoinedPosts by chellechelle
second letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle indear michelle, .
just one qucik letter to let you know i miss you.
like everyone else i am concerned for you; but dont worry im not going to lecture you.
Suggestions for JW Girlfriend?
by Mincan inso i've been seeing this jw girl for a couple weeks now... she kind of contacted me out of the blue (i've known her since i was 4, shes two years older than i) and wanted to hook up for coffee or something.
i avoided it for about half a month.
not really avoided it, but was going to have fun with it when it came, because i thought she was just going to try to encourage me to go to meetings and whatnot.. so, first time she calls me up at like 9:30pm on a weeknight to come over to her house... so i ride my bicycle over and go inside and she and her cousin were getting drunk on alcohol and they started getting me to drink.
wow its kinda weird to read that lol and the following threads......
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
oh no i know what you mean ... im not pissed or anything.. but how should i be pleased that she is thinking about me when her thoughts are " it would be better if you had just died" that the clincher..
second letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle indear michelle, .
just one qucik letter to let you know i miss you.
like everyone else i am concerned for you; but dont worry im not going to lecture you.
yes this is true. however, define immorality.. is it purely doing what any normal person would do with their life? the thing is whether or not i feel bad for doing it.. aparently the answer is no :)
second letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle indear michelle, .
just one qucik letter to let you know i miss you.
like everyone else i am concerned for you; but dont worry im not going to lecture you.
I know dont you just love the warped logic...? how can i feel so lost sad and alone when i am now so utterly free?
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
ya thx. by the way not my sister... my sister is younger and doesnt speak to me.. this is someone who calls herself my best friend... i thought best friends were supposed to llove unconditionally. but aparently a matter of religion is an overbearing condition that one cannot get past. oh and i know about the guilt that is all that anyone has said to me about the whole thing is how guilty i should be. as if the fact that others feel bad should be the determining factor in choosing a religion... i should make a way of life for myself because i might hurt someones feelings... that is not me..
oh and dont worry i do not feel bad in the least.. i take everything with a grain of salt . i realize where it is coming from it is not a natural insult but forced through brainwashing.. their words could not harm me in the slightest.
but thanks for your concern... it does help to have such a " great guy" on my side :)
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
what i like is that you are spot on with the highlighting. and there is nothing wrong that i have done.. unless there is a problem with happiness in ones life i dont see a problem. oh we had a phone conversation i wish my brain was attuned enough to remember everything that wa said during that... it was some funny shit.
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
apartently easier for people who cant deal with change or respect the opinions of others..
second letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle indear michelle, .
just one qucik letter to let you know i miss you.
like everyone else i am concerned for you; but dont worry im not going to lecture you.
Dear michelle,
just one qucik letter to let you know i miss you. like everyone else i am concerned for you; but dont worry im not going to lecture you. you're a smart girl you know the truth and what is required.
although i dont know what is going on with you i wonder how you must be feeling. i remember at your age feeling so much turmoil and confusion. i knew what was right but didn't know if i could see it through. Sometimes i just wanted out; i wanted to be left alone, just let things happen without having to way things in a balance. i also had such strong inpulses and attractions; it was easy to get into trouble.
the good news is it gets easier. It's normal to have feelings like there at your age and dealing with them day in and day out can be exhausting. but as you get older things will clear up. your feelings and impulses will level off and you'll have more control. in the meantime it's a struggle you can win if you stop giving into your feelings and impulses.
Have you ever been in a river with a current? right now you're in the water. either swimming or floating enjoying the scenery; your on your own in the wolrd. sooner or later though it won't seem so great anymore; youll face rough water, rocks, rain and maybe even a waterfall! although peopl swimming with you promise you help; their help wont be of much value. when those times come just remember the people who truly love and care fopr you ; were all on the shore reaching out to you. some will even board a boat to go and get you, like the elders. you just need to reach out and grab our hands. We'll always be here michelle.
IF you do reach out and come on shore or into a boat they can help you deal wirth whatever is on your plate; anything from swallowing too much water to hypothermia. they can get the help you need to recover. you just need to respond to the treatment.
Never forget you can always come back whenever you want no matter what. if jehovah helped wicked manassah when he was willing to change, jehovah will certainly help you too.
love anne
ok so now i have to talk about all the bull in this letter aswell.
first of all this person is obviously not intelligent enough as the last to actually form her own opinions into sentences. thw whole letter is basically one big illustration. why is it that every jehovahs witness has to be so damn fluent with illustrations. is there a big shortage of brain power in this world that we have to be taught as children? the boat flows down the river... oooh children look a waterfall we better get out of the water.. give me a break! all i want to know is what drug are you on, and where can i get some? lol
ok i guess some back ground info will be needed for this one to be explained. she said she always had such strong impulses and attractions that got her into trouble.. let me explain dear old anne's life story.. well not completely i wouldnt want anyone of you to fall asleep. ;) grew up on a farm in sudbury.. liked only two people in her life one of whom is her husband.. entire family is in the " truth" ( oh how i hate that word) what is this so called trouble that you got into.. these so called impulses that you acted on? was it to steal a cookie out of the jar while your mommy's back was turned? oh you little devil worshipper you.. how could you commit such a serious sin..? you have failed to honour thy father and mother.. i have great pity for you..
the next thing is ... she supposedly has no idea what is going on with me so how does she knows i am giving into such feelings and impulses? unless it is only to stop being in the so called " truth" oh ok i almsot forgot more background information is needed. her husband is the elder who keeps on calling me asking to change my mind about staying in the "truth ". for those of you who don't know me... i sent him a leter of disassociation, told him on many many differnt occasions that i did not want to be a "witness:" but yet he was very adament. he even pulled out the love card at the end of our finaly chat.. " im only doing all of this for you because i love you" wow.... i think someone needs an sheparding call to learn about modesty and staying in your place as an elder. i think to love someone who isnt your wife must be immoraluity. he must be stripped of his position immediately!!!!!
so anyways, for her to know what is going on with me would mean that her husband would have had to let her know such details. but oh my goodness wait. i thought there was confidentiality amongst the elders. they arent supposed to let anyone know... someone is not following their godly principles. However, i have seen disfellowshipings before. after about a week everyone in the "congregation" knows what you "did". its not as if i care, im just adding that this so called loving brotherhood sure does not adhere to its own teachings. so how are non brainwashed people supposed to believe them ?
anyway as far as reatment goes... what am i ailing from... hypothermia aparently ... wow something must really be wrong with me.. if my body seems to shutting down as a result of loosing my religion....
that is enough of that.. all i have to say is.. im happy to be free
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
michelle, my dear girl :
what is going on with you right now? with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap? And when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help? jah tells us we can never be tested beyond what we can bare, but hew will either give us the strength or make a way out for us.he knew if you relied on him and asked for help from me you would have succeeded with flying colours, and you have felt good about yourself and had a clean conscience.
your mom told me just a bit of what was going on with you and i am sick to my stomach and shocked. my dear little sister cant be acting like this. so at the sunday meeting i was basically crying through most of it because i couldnt get my mind off of you ( the watch tower study is perfect for you, but too close to home to study in front of people ) so i worte this down to calm myself down. to know discpline.. to recieve disicpline that gives insight , and listen to discipline of your father and the law of your mother. jehocvah is going to discipline you because he lvoes you and he wants to shake some sense into that totally lost head of yours. but he also needs to protect the rest of the congrgation including your sister from your atrocious conduct. I know you say i love jehovah ( sidebar... never said once while talking to her... * my but*) and his organization. but your conduct, actions and attitudes you are in reality acting like eve choosing for yourselfd what you want to do, by doing what jehovah tells us is wrong.
he only wants what is best for you. he wants you to be happy. he is actually begging you to pay attention to my commandments. please, please listen. i love way so much and so does jehovah. you dont know or see the pain that you are causing everyone it would have been easier if you had just died. i beg of you to seriously rthink prayrfully of what you are doing. the end is so close and i want you to be with me in the new system.
I know that you dont want to hear all of this but i wouldnt be a true friend if i didnt. i know what is right and wrong. and what you are doing is very very wrong. please, before it is too late, humble yourself. admit you have made mistakes and give jehhovah the most important place in your heart. you cant slave for two masters. , you have an intense love for the world and it has sucked you dry. what happened to that intelligent girl i know. because now all i can see is pure stupidity. please just learn to hate this world. because it hates you and is going to kill you.
satans world is like a beautiful balloon. it looks so nice but after a little time the outer fascade weakens and bursts and all that is left over is garbage and inside the balloon is poisonous air that will end up killing you. so i beg of you to be like the prodegal son and come back with all your heart to serve jehovah before it is too late. i will be here waiting for your return...
your big sister, corina oxoxoxoxo
ok now to point out everything that is extremely wrong with her letter. where do i possibly start?
first of all. she mentioned how i am being sucked into a similar trap as what happened to me last year.. lets clairify..i was assaulted by an ex boyfriend. so the present situation of having a boyfriend now.. which is an awesome relationship. somehow compares to something that hurt me enough to send me into a downward spiral of depression.. somehow leaving the supposed "truth" to have a life i enjoy is comparable.
the next thing that really bugs me is how i am " lost" and " no longer intelligent" because i have decided to leave a religion. how can there be a lack of intelligence on my part when i am deciding to think for myself. That i dont need a " god" or a bunch of old men i brooklynn to tell me what i should think, feel, want and desire. NO, true wisdom and intelligence is having the mental capacity to make decisions for yourself. to realize what is wrong in your life and change your path to the better. which is what i have done. i have allieviated myself of such mind control.
most of this is obviously bul-- but the other thing i am going to comment on is how the world is a poisonous balloon that is going to kill me. wow... can we be anymore dramatic.. unless you are talking about pollution and poor air quality and chemicals of some sort i suggest you elave such opinioins to yourself. how would said "world" kill me. am i not living in the same world of oppertunity and circumstance regardless of my religious beliefs? the only difference is that now i am decideing how to live my life.I am ablew to do the normal things everyone does with a clear conscience. so the world, in which i am reviling, is some how going to kill me. if this is true than so be it. I would rather die knowing i have freedom of thought and pertson than knowing i have been overtaken and devoured, so to speak, in a mind contol cult.