There was a talk in Dodger stadium when I was a kid entitled, "Do you have the courage to be different?" It really made me feel like being different as a Witness was the way God wanted me to be. For years I bought that.
my favorites that i heard in person or had on tape, well they were my favorites:.
are we really in the last days?
- br.
There was a talk in Dodger stadium when I was a kid entitled, "Do you have the courage to be different?" It really made me feel like being different as a Witness was the way God wanted me to be. For years I bought that.
my favorites that i heard in person or had on tape, well they were my favorites:.
are we really in the last days?
- br.
Confucious, I remember that. I also remember when we used to have Special Events, that some of the more influential brothers put on, and they made their own talks.
Even in the congregation, we would have slides sometimes when I was a kid, the brothers would put their vacation slides in a talk.
that word is "define.
" witnesses redefine words all over the place, and use trick words to obscure what they are really saying.. i have been able to sort through so much garbage just by using that word.
me: define updates.
I have to be careful that I don't let too much out, though. I don't want to get turned in.
my favorites that i heard in person or had on tape, well they were my favorites:.
are we really in the last days?
- br.
My favorites that I heard in person or had on tape, well they WERE my favorites:
Are we really in the Last Days? - Br. Ulysses Glass, 1984. This is the talk where he gives the illlustration about being lost and since we have one leg longer than the other one, we go in circles. So we need the Organization to guide us. He said Armageddon is coming today, that is the way he looks at it each morning.
Are you cultivating Wordly Desires? - J.R. Brown, 1988 He really used to stretch out the words and make you squirm. Probably one of the most imitated speakers I bet in the U.S.
Can you Sleep on a Windy Night? - Can't remember speaker
The last few hours of Jesus' Life - Can't remember speaker
Ability or Dependability-Which? - K. Suen
And you? Remember any? Did you ever collect talks and listen to them at home or in your car? Ha ha, I did.
i am still active to try and help family and friends, so that's why i say we.
i know i have brought this up before, but i cannot get over the fact that every service group i go in, and every dinner after the meeting, or coffee or whatever, no one seems to be reading the magazines.
no one understands the doctrines of the generation, 1919, not even blood.. when i bring up one of those subjects, one in the group will repeat the phrase we learned at the meetings, such as "blood fractions is not really blood" or "i think the generation refers more to the anointed or something like that.
Its such a change from when I was a teenager in the 80's. I had a ton of talks on tape from brother Glass, J.R. Brown, Sydlik, even some old Franz talks. We used to listen to them in the car. And we had WT studies sometimes on Sat night. We used to preach for 8 hours on Saturdays sometimes, then go to the movies.
And if we heard a cool speaker was in town, we would drive miles to hear him.
I don't think anyone does that anymore either.
that word is "define.
" witnesses redefine words all over the place, and use trick words to obscure what they are really saying.. i have been able to sort through so much garbage just by using that word.
me: define updates.
That word is "DEFINE." Witnesses redefine words all over the place, and use trick words to obscure what they are really saying.
I have been able to sort through so much GARBAGE just by using that word. Example? Yesterday in service in one of those car groups.
The other couple went on a long return visit. So the bro and me sat in the car. He is a young M.S., baptized about 8 years. Cool guy, doesnt get upset easily. We have a good rapport. So we were talking about Swine Flu, and the economic crisis, and he said that those things are a sign of the last days. From there we started to talk about 1914, the word generation, and then onto the Faithful Slave making "adjustments" in our understandings.
So I said, "How would you define 'adjustments'?"
He says, "Well, new things"
Me: What "new things?
Him: I don't know, things, teachings I guess
Me: New teachings?
Him: Well, not new teachings, just adjustments
Me: Define adjustments
Him: Its like the Israelites in the wilderness, Jehovah gave them new instructions depending on the circumstances.
Me: Oh ok, but that would be different, right? Instructions are different than teachings, right? So did Jehovah ever change his teachings?
Him: No, Jehovah never changes.
Me: So why do we have changes in the teachings now?
Him: Well, they are like updates
Me: Define updates
Him: Ok, well changes
Me: Changes in what?
Him: Ha ha, ok teachings
Me: So why does Jehovah change the teachings. I mean, I believe the new information, I just am trying to understand those words. Like new light, what exactly is new light? Or adjustments?
Him: You like to argue stuff dont you?
Me: Discuss. But so how do we define "adjustments and light and updates?"
Him: Yes, its like what are they really changing?
Me: I still support the Slave, I just wish they would come out and say new teachings, I mean I would believe them anyway. I believe anything the Slave says, even if they said Black is White, I would believe it, but why don't they just come out and say it.
Him: I wouldnt believe anything they said, I would think about it first.
Me: I wouldnt, I believe all the new teachings no matter what. I just wish they would come out and say, "Hey, these are new teachings."
Him: Yea, I think they say new light and stuff because people would have a heart attack if they said new teachings.
Me: Yep, especially if it contradicted the old teachings, I think some of the bro's try to use their own mind, and we shouldnt really think about stuff, just accept it.
Him: Uhhhhh, well, anyway.
Me: So, let's go eat after this, OK?
Him: Yea
Thanks to so many on this forum, I am getting my mind opened after all my life having it closed. It's a great feeling. I really used to believe all the Society's definitions for everything, and their word games.
i am still active to try and help family and friends, so that's why i say we.
i know i have brought this up before, but i cannot get over the fact that every service group i go in, and every dinner after the meeting, or coffee or whatever, no one seems to be reading the magazines.
no one understands the doctrines of the generation, 1919, not even blood.. when i bring up one of those subjects, one in the group will repeat the phrase we learned at the meetings, such as "blood fractions is not really blood" or "i think the generation refers more to the anointed or something like that.
I am still active to try and help family and friends, so that's why i say we. I know I have brought this up before, but I cannot get over the fact that every service group I go in, and every dinner after the meeting, or coffee or whatever, no one seems to be reading the magazines. No one understands the doctrines of the Generation, 1919, not even blood.
When I bring up one of those subjects, one in the group will repeat the phrase we learned at the meetings, such as "blood fractions is not really blood" or "I think the generation refers more to the anointed or something like that." Nothing really specific.
And after a few minutes, EVERYONE GETS UNCOMFORTABLE. I keep on having to change the subject. Even long-time Witnesses, the only things they say about the truth is, "What a great talk that brother gave." Almost nothing about the "points" of the talk, unless he had a really interesting illustration.
Is there anyone out there that is still "active" that has actual Bible discussions with Witnesses in car groups, restaurants, or anywhere?
i never, ever thought i would ever be posting on a board such as this but here i am.
i've been reading the boards for several months and despite my initial conscience twinges, i couldn't help but follow a logical thought process on many issues that were causing me grief.
over this past week, due to the things i've read on here, i've had a massive cloud lift from me and i'm starting to feel joy and love in my heart that i've *never* felt before.
Welcome. I came on here a few months ago, and it really, really got to me. I was and am an active Witness. I was a missionary also. Me and Snakes are graduates of MTS. There are a lot of elders, ex-elders, and long-time Witnesses on here.
We have all gone through a lot, emotional ups and downs, trying to talk to family and friends, getting our eyes opened as to the lies. Its an amazing journey.
Hang in there, and keep reading.
so after the meeting yesterday we went for coffee, nice group.
two baptized more than 40 years, one baptized 20 years, one baptized 11 years, and one study that was invited.. someone had picked up the 6/15 wt so i said, "wow, what do you think about new light?
" they said, "what new light?
Ok, I am back online. Thanks for the encouragement. Some seem to be sort of viewing me in a different light. One said to me recently, "So, Bonafide, doing any RESEARCH lately?" In a sarcastic way.
Steve2, I do think that someone might try to get me into trouble, I do try and always say I support the Slave.
It's just so strange to see Witnesses actually physically uncomfortable when you bring up certain subjects.
or are they too busy dishing out "food at the right time"?.
do they have 'studies' and 'return visits'?.
I remember seeing one of the GB in the late 80's, early 90's pushing his wife in a wheelchair around Brooklyn Heights with the WT magazines in hand.
Klein maybe? Can't remember.