The Board on the Weekend!
JoinedPosts by SuperApostateGirl
Let's hear some crazy/cool stories!
by amama2six inmy husband reminded me of something crazy we did when we first started dating, so i thought i'd share it here and see if anyone else has some fun stories to add!.
we went out to dinner one in a nice dress and him in a dress shirt and slacks.
afterward we decided to hit the beach for a nice moonlit walk in the sand.
As Much as I hate to say this,I am glad for have being a J Dub
by SuperApostateGirl ini know this sounds crazy however being raised a jehovah's witness gave me the tools of respect for my fellow man.
also my parents had a huge role as well,of course.. i just find today there are soo many twisted people who are amused by the sickest of circumstances and pride themselves on belittling people.i mean i am the first to say.
i love funny sarcasm and making fun of the jehovah's witness religion because i believe in my heart its a crazy cult and way out in left field.
Thank-You Free2Think....
by Terry inthere is a training program in the c.i.a.
and f.b.i.. you tell an interrogator 3 things about yourself.
one them has to be a lie.. if they can tell which statement is the lie, you flunk.. .
As Much as I hate to say this,I am glad for have being a J Dub
by SuperApostateGirl ini know this sounds crazy however being raised a jehovah's witness gave me the tools of respect for my fellow man.
also my parents had a huge role as well,of course.. i just find today there are soo many twisted people who are amused by the sickest of circumstances and pride themselves on belittling people.i mean i am the first to say.
i love funny sarcasm and making fun of the jehovah's witness religion because i believe in my heart its a crazy cult and way out in left field.
I only mean that it all made me stronger and that I stood up for what I believed in and it wasn't the Organization.I did get an education and in fact I have been to College 3 times.I realize
that there are those who never had the chance for education. I just need to look at it for my peace of mind that it only made me a stronger person and that it wasn't 98% bad maybe just
95! P.S Maybe respect for fellow man was a poor choice of words,I'm used to fluff! I realize that this is not the feeling for others and nor that it should be,its just mine.
by Terry inthere is a training program in the c.i.a.
and f.b.i.. you tell an interrogator 3 things about yourself.
one them has to be a lie.. if they can tell which statement is the lie, you flunk.. .
Twitch number 1
by Terry inthere is a training program in the c.i.a.
and f.b.i.. you tell an interrogator 3 things about yourself.
one them has to be a lie.. if they can tell which statement is the lie, you flunk.. .
1.I love Green Eggs and Ham
2.I love Green Beer
3.I love Green Lepracons
Do you think that Simon would let us advertise the JWD on Billboards?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini think it would be great to see the jwd turn into a non-profit organization against religious abuse.
promote harmony and put an emphasis on bettering humanity than coping with sin.
if we added some finacial gain to this board as well as all of this time we invest.
Would Sparkles be allowed on the Billboard?
Or would it just be Black and White?
I like watching death.............
by zeroday ini will not provide links but i love death videos....just google death videos...they are aplenty...i believe they are my final exit in some way...many have died and i will also but they have already died and i am alive....don't bother i know i am sick............
I love death videos....just google death videos...they are aplenty...I believe they are my final exit in some way...many have died and I will also but they have already died and I am alive....don't bother I know I am sick............
Maybe I took that out of context?
As Much as I hate to say this,I am glad for have being a J Dub
by SuperApostateGirl ini know this sounds crazy however being raised a jehovah's witness gave me the tools of respect for my fellow man.
also my parents had a huge role as well,of course.. i just find today there are soo many twisted people who are amused by the sickest of circumstances and pride themselves on belittling people.i mean i am the first to say.
i love funny sarcasm and making fun of the jehovah's witness religion because i believe in my heart its a crazy cult and way out in left field.
I know this sounds Crazy however being raised a Jehovah's Witness gave me the tools of respect for my fellow man. Also my parents had a huge role as well,of course.
I just find today there are soo many twisted people who are amused by the sickest of circumstances and pride themselves on belittling people.I mean i am the first to say
I love funny sarcasm and making fun of the Jehovah's Witness Religion because I believe in my heart its a crazy cult and way out in left field. I felt not good enough in the Org and often
presumed "Bad Association" even doing nothing wrong because I did not progress spiritually. I often wonder though would I have gotten my Moral conscience without it? Really how are
parents raising their children today.
Basically the Org gave my my basics and my life experiences out of the Org gave me the open mind to all religions,sexual orientations and walks of life. Its sounds like a jumble and
maybe makes no sense...( I am usually only Fluffy on the board ) so i apologize know if this upsets anyone,my intention is not to do so...
anyone here have psychic ability? no fakers please, need real advice,,
by burningbridges inseen some real "different" threads here lately, out of body experiences, near death experiences, ext.
and it got me thinking that we have a lot of people here that have a lot of unusaul skills and talents that arent typically talked about.
in light of this, i want to talk to someone that has real power to foretell the future.
wow thats quite the predicament you've got Burning Bridges,just follow your own intuition and not that of a Psychics.
Only you truly know your own situation,best of Luck..