203 attendants and only 1 annointed in the congregation I went to...What a blow-out!
JoinedPosts by XxJazzxX
1 hr of my life...wasted...
by XxJazzxX ini went to my first memorial with my wife and her family just to see how this really works in my eyes.
it was very.......interesting, but at least i did get a few laughs out of it.
i honestly wanted to go just to see how it really works....and hear my wife trying to come up with a bargain to avoid going to church on easter.. first off, even though i only went to the hall a few times with my wife, i've never seen so many jw in 1 little place.
by XxJazzxX ini find this as a way for my wife trying to avoid going to church with me on easter.. my wife has a meeting with the elders about her reinstatement sunday after the wt study, which is indeed true.
however, the only reason why she would go to church with me on easter is because i went with her to the memorial.
she tries to bargain her way out with this by she should go to church with me on good friday instead on easter.
Even if she goes, and doesn't tell anyone, somehow and someway the Elders will find out IF she goes to church with me on Easter.
The only reason why she wants to go with me is because I went to the Memorial with her, to prevent any future discussions on why she didnt go on a day that was important to me vs. a day that was important to her.
by XxJazzxX ini find this as a way for my wife trying to avoid going to church with me on easter.. my wife has a meeting with the elders about her reinstatement sunday after the wt study, which is indeed true.
however, the only reason why she would go to church with me on easter is because i went with her to the memorial.
she tries to bargain her way out with this by she should go to church with me on good friday instead on easter.
I find this as a way for my wife trying to avoid going to church with me on Easter.
My wife has a meeting with the Elders about her reinstatement sunday after the WT study, which is indeed true. However, the only reason why she would go to church with me on Easter is because I went with her to the Memorial. She tries to bargain her way out with this by she should go to church with me on Good Friday instead on Easter. This shocked me since I didnt have such an attitude with going to the Memorial with her.
While she agrees with the celebration itself, the only problem she has on the holiday is the DATE.....
The only reason why she doesnt like Easter is because of the DATE!? Saying things like Christ didnt ressurect on that specific date.
OK, I've repeated this often to her and she still couldnt give me a clear, valid answer, but this is one of the reasons why I would NEVER become a JW:
Prior to 1919, it was good for the JWs to celebrate holidays. It was "good spiritual food" at the proper time and it was approved by God. When 1920 hit, they stopped celebrating holidays, trying to digg into its pagan roots.
Question: If celebrating holidays was "good spiritual food" approved by Jehovah, what made them stop celebrating?
Possible conclusions: 1.They cannot say they studied more and discovered that it was pagan without leaving out that this was something Jehovah gave them the green light for.
2. If they EVER say Jehovah changed his mind in any way, shape or form, they're basically calling Him a Liar.
1 hr of my life...wasted...
by XxJazzxX ini went to my first memorial with my wife and her family just to see how this really works in my eyes.
it was very.......interesting, but at least i did get a few laughs out of it.
i honestly wanted to go just to see how it really works....and hear my wife trying to come up with a bargain to avoid going to church on easter.. first off, even though i only went to the hall a few times with my wife, i've never seen so many jw in 1 little place.
MEMORIAL SHOCK!!!!--- Part 2
by african GB Member ina few days ago i started a thread about a "brother" who is climbing jw corporate ladder in the speed of lightning...he was only baptised recently, but already "anointed" and therefore partaking..... well, at this year's memorial we were subjected to an emotional showoff...his wife cried her lungs out as he partook....apparently she is upset at the fact that they won't be together in the new system, because he will be in heaven and she will be on earth!!!.
a lot of people in our cong were also touched and almost half of them were in tears....i have to say that it looked so convincing that even the worldlies will think that this is the truth....
1 hr of my life...wasted...
by XxJazzxX ini went to my first memorial with my wife and her family just to see how this really works in my eyes.
it was very.......interesting, but at least i did get a few laughs out of it.
i honestly wanted to go just to see how it really works....and hear my wife trying to come up with a bargain to avoid going to church on easter.. first off, even though i only went to the hall a few times with my wife, i've never seen so many jw in 1 little place.
Well....not entirely. I went to my first memorial with my wife and her family just to see how this really works in my eyes. It was very.......interesting, but at least I did get a few laughs out of it. I honestly wanted to go just to see how it really works....and hear my wife trying to come up with a bargain to avoid going to church on Easter.
First off, even though I only went to the hall a few times with my wife, I've never seen so many JW in 1 little place. I see overseers and fellow JWs directing ppl where to park at. When I went inside, it was just like any other meeting(ppl finding seats with lame music playing in the background) Most of them dressed the same way they normally do, most(like my wife) wore something slighty casual.
During the service, while having my sleeping daughter in my arms, I was following thru the scriptures they provided using my NASB Bible. I couldnt help but LOL inside my head when looking at the contradictory between my Bible and their beliefs. And the song on page 105 in the Sing Praises to Jehovah book.....
And now the Main Event, the greatest way of letting Jesus know you dont care about his sacrifice: Passing of the bread and wine. To avoid looking at them, I dug my head into my Bible to make it seem like I'm deeply reading it. When it got to me, I just simply grabbed and passed with my eyes glued to my Bible.
Last but not least, when it was over, my mother in law wanted to introduce me to a few of the "friends". Nice, sincere people...just sincerely misled. When most of them ask me how did I think of the Memorial(I couldnt say what i REALLY wanted to say), I just said: "It was interesting."
With a smile of course.
Do the Elders really care for the DFed ones?
by XxJazzxX in...apparently not enough.... my wife were supposed to meet with the elders saturday.
unfortunately(for her), the brothers cancelled the meeting.
the reason being i dont have a clue, but the way my wife explained it to me was that they had to tend to one of the elder's injury on his leg(she was notified of this the week she turned in that letter so thats not a real excuse because they've had alternatives).
...Apparently not enough...
My wife were supposed to meet with the elders saturday. Unfortunately(for her), the brothers cancelled the meeting. The reason being I dont have a clue, but the way my wife explained it to me was that they had to tend to one of the elder's injury on his leg(she was notified of this the week she turned in that letter so thats not a real excuse because they've had alternatives). She just found out yesterday after the meeting that NOW the Elder at the congregation decided to look into their judicial elder book and find out that NOW she has to give them ANOTHER reinstatement letter, plus a recommendation from her former congregation(the one that was close to us before we moved into our apartment) so they can meet up and discuss it with the current congregation.
Now, from what I understand about the Elders, they're supposed to keep tabs on their members, especially the DFed ones. The Elders at her current congregation just now acknowledging that she even exists. Arent they supposed to look check back to the DFed member's former congregation's Elders to see if they were good or something similar to the matter?
Regardless of what the situation is, it is underhanded to see someone does their part and you dont do yours. The idea of the fact that my wife tries so hard to get reinstated before moving back to PA it's almost as if they didnt take her plea seriously. I tried my best to confort her, even tho I'm kinda happy that the reinstatement has been delayed.
My mom- and Hi! I am new here.
by RaraAvis ini have been reading this site for a while now but have never posted.
i am an ex-pioneer, who left the organization 15 years ago.
i served as a need-greater in a foreign country and when i came back i walked away.
Welcome RaraAvis
I may not be an ex-JW of anyway, but I am married to a D/Fed JW. My wife has been DFed for 3-4 years for something she has done before she met me. Still seeking reinstatement til this day and her plea is falling on deaf ears of the so-called brothers.
Sooner or later, she will realize the WT isnt as what she thinks for all these years as I'm constantly jogging her brain to think.
BTW...Jude is the One Hit Wonder of the NWT Bible........
by oompa insee...when appendix 1-d explains that in the christian greek scriptures (new testament) we have "restored the divine name when quoting from the hebrew scriptures"....now when something is quoted it has "quotation marks" ....these """"""""" but it does not explain that it also adds the name whenever it wants too in an effort to show that jesus is not jehovah....so if you read jude...you will see three uses of the name jehovah...and duh...jude vs. 5 is a total add on....not a quote of anything in the hebrew scriptures.....the other two are "quotes" of hebrew passages... now we really should not even put the divine name in there for any reason unless ancient manuscripts have yhwh in them...but none do!!
!...just check you insight book under the jehovah heading...use in the greek scriptures.............love you guys.........oompa.
just gotta share this stuff!...we gotta lotta newbies!..........
And lets not forget Jude 4
For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.(NIV)
I guess they really do have 2 Lords after all...
Another reinstatment attempt...
by XxJazzxX inwell...my family is moving back to pa in may.
as a result, my wife wrote a 2nd letter to the brothers to see if she can get reinstated before she leave.
her first letter was ok but their response was, of course, attend more meetings!!.
The problem with them was this: They encourage me to read and study my Bible and what not. But when I did, and whenever we get into a discussion about the bible it turns into some kind of great debate and my wife and her mother would insult me because they claim that since i dont study with them, i dont know anything about the bible; and spew the claim that no one will surely understand the bible alone!