- your husband isolates you from friends and family - not even your parents can come and visit and stay over
- don't let you use the car (not even in service or to meetings)- which you are, btw, paying for...
- doesn't allow you to listen to the music you like at home and not watch TV as you want
- doesn't allow you to eat in the living room in front of TV
- i.e doesn't allow you to be yourself
- doesn't work (isn't that in itself a scriptual reason for divorce?)
- sleeps all day and watches movies and play TV-games all night
- treats you like a child-tells you to wash your hands EVERY time you comes home (he suffers from bacteria fobia among other things)
- never thinks you are enough or does enough
- takes you for granted
- says he never should have married you in the first place
- no sex life
- don't treat you with respect in front of others
- makes you feel stupid and in-attractive
- in-active as JW for many many years - the ironi of it is that since I left him he's never been so active, which of course is understandable since he'd only had me (another scriptual reason for divorce?)
- etc etc, the list can go on and on........
Not everything was bad all the time. He was definately the man of my dreams at one point. That's what makes it so sad. At least I didn't give up in the first place. I endured for 12yrs!! I was a very good and loyal christian wife as you can understand:-) If I'm not going to heaven????
Anyone who has a good idea what to do with your wedding pics? I think I'll keep them in a box somewhere as a good memory after all.
I've escaped "prison" healthy and now I'm free and it's his loss.
Dear mtsgrad, I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you. You deserve much better. Never settle for less. I won't!