I drink to that!
I hope you'll find happiness
i do like the people who were hopeful enough to get sucked in and honest enough to leave, and to me these are the ones i feel are my "brothers" and "sisters".. .
now i'm at the point in my life where i really just need to make money and try to enjoy what time i've got left.
that doesn't mean i've abandoned the search for the meaning of life, but it does mean that, like king david did in his intelligent pragmatism, realize that running around and hiding in caves from saul just wasn't getting it done and he needed to work, so he got a job as a mercenary working for the philistines.. .
I drink to that!
I hope you'll find happiness
sunday evening there were a group of sisters talking on their walk back to the carpark.
"so if the generation just means that your life overlapped with people who were around in 1914, couldn't that just go on forever?".
""i guess...." (looked at each other confused, then at me as i walked past).. to which i said: "oh yes, remember the days when the generation was a simple 70 years from 1914?".
Don't tell me they've come up with yet another explanation of the generation???
This is ridiculous!
i haven't been here for a loooong time but i see that some of the oldies are still here .
i hope you're all doing great and having a nice summer!?.
i'm doing just fine.
I haven't been here for a loooong time but I see that some of the oldies are still here and thought I'd stop by and say hello. I've missed you!
I hope you're all doing great and having a nice summer!?
I'm doing just fine. After long time of looking I've finally found Mr. Right (yes Sylvia, you heard me ) and I'm as happy as can be. My still JW sister has still not talked or contacted me for 1,5 years but I've come to terms with that. I've a lovely boyfriend, family, friends, cat and job and a long summer vacation ahead of me.
I will now take time and go back and read what's been posted lately.
Talk to you soon.
has anyone sat thru the saturday session allow nothing to distance you from jehovah.
satan's subtle efforts pride, money, health, career, recreation, family and of course technology.
i would like to know what this is all about this family thing.
"We have the secret to happiness"
OMG! (Such BS)
hi ya'll, it's been a while..... just thought i'd come in and say hello.
a lot of new people here but also some oldies.
i've recently booked a trip to hawaii with some friends in may.
sorry...I'm Swedish but also half italian, forgot to mention that
hi ya'll, it's been a while..... just thought i'd come in and say hello.
a lot of new people here but also some oldies.
i've recently booked a trip to hawaii with some friends in may.
Yes, I'm Swedish
hi ya'll, it's been a while..... just thought i'd come in and say hello.
a lot of new people here but also some oldies.
i've recently booked a trip to hawaii with some friends in may.
Great! Thanks a lot for the tip
hi ya'll, it's been a while..... just thought i'd come in and say hello.
a lot of new people here but also some oldies.
i've recently booked a trip to hawaii with some friends in may.
Brocephus: I look gorgeous
dissed: Oahu
hi ya'll, it's been a while..... just thought i'd come in and say hello.
a lot of new people here but also some oldies.
i've recently booked a trip to hawaii with some friends in may.
Hi ya'll, it's been a while....
Just thought I'd come in and say hello. A lot of new people here but also some oldies. Hope you're all doing fine.
I've recently booked a trip to Hawaii with some friends in May and I'm very excited!!!! It's a very loooong trip since I live in Europe.
/Newborn (still single)
for leaving him (1.5 y ago) and for being a person he doesn't recognize anymore for leaving the org.. he still has feelings for me and still grieves every day that we're not together...i know it shouldn't get to me but it does...i had no choice but to leave him...i was so miserable for so many reasons but when i hear how sad he is it makes me sad.
(we have to have some contact coz of the apartment we lived in, unfortunately).
i just wish he could move on but he says he can't even look at another woman.. also, of course, he had to say that jehovah still loves me and that the end is sooooooooo near, just look at haiti!.
Thanks to you all! It helps. I really just want to move on with my life and not have to feel guilt over him anymore. He's a grown up man!
Mouthy, I did tell him that but as you know, there's no way to reason with these people in an adult way. it's their way or the high way. grrrr