Make sure you are not the one making all the sacrifices.
Arte,Thats a good advice. Thanks for sharing your experience. I would for sure not move there permanently before I've tried it for a few months at least, if I'd decide to try it at all...
some of you knows that i've been wanting to meet a man since i got divorced and left the borg 2,5 y ago.
i dated a lot and almost gave up.
i only met idiots!
Make sure you are not the one making all the sacrifices.
Arte,Thats a good advice. Thanks for sharing your experience. I would for sure not move there permanently before I've tried it for a few months at least, if I'd decide to try it at all...
some of you knows that i've been wanting to meet a man since i got divorced and left the borg 2,5 y ago.
i dated a lot and almost gave up.
i only met idiots!
Thanks Hadi.
It truly would be a life changing decision and I'm afraid to make the wrong one...
I always listen to my heart but sometimes the answer isn't so clear...but for the moment my gut feeling is that I wouldn't be happy "up there", in the long run. I'd miss so much of the comfortable city life and perhaps I'd grow bitter on him...I'm afraid it's just too big a change.
some of you knows that i've been wanting to meet a man since i got divorced and left the borg 2,5 y ago.
i dated a lot and almost gave up.
i only met idiots!
Some of you knows that I've been wanting to meet a man since I got divorced and left the borg 2,5 y ago. I dated a lot and almost gave up. I only met idiots! I was a happy and free single at the time but were longing for love and a normal relationship. In May when I was searching for an old friend on FB I came across my boy friend with the same name (we really got contact by chance). We started to write on FB. Since then we've had contact every day and even though we live 1600km apart we've found time and money to meet at least ones a month. The first time we met we were both in heaven. It felt SO right and I've been so happy...He met my family and I met his. It just felt perfect!
However, it doesn't feel SO right anymore He lives very far away and he's a country boy. He lives in a tiny village with 500 inhabitants in the alps and I'm a city girl. He's two small daughters and is not able to move right now. So I'm the one that has to move but I feel so un-certain to move so far and leave my life here in the city where I've a good job, friends, etc... Before I thought that it would be a great adventure to move and a good change for me...but I feel so unsure now. I don't think I will be happy there. It's beautiful nature and you can ski every day if you want but to live there...I don't know...I feel sad coz I really thought he was the One. He's absolutely one of the best and kindest man I've met but I feel a lot is missing. On one hand I want to start a family and I do love his kids and they like me and I'd like to have my own someday...but on the other I'm so independant, comfortable and free now. I'm starting to think that perhaps I'm supposed to live alone...I know how difficult it is to find someone...
Oh God! I'm so confused right now. It kills me that I perhaps have to break up with him...(I thought we were meant to be).
Just needed to tell you.../Newborn
just beginning to open my aunt, flyinghighnow is helping me along.
glad to be in a place where people understand.
i guess i'll be seeing you all around.
...when my beloved sister will call me and say " hey sis, you were right, i'm also leaving the borg for good!!
now we can make up for all this lost time and enjoy life together as we should".. i just can't give up thinking that this will come true.. i just miss her too much... and i can't imagine how it must feel for those of you who's lost your children.
Thanks all for your kind words
...when my beloved sister will call me and say " hey sis, you were right, i'm also leaving the borg for good!!
now we can make up for all this lost time and enjoy life together as we should".. i just can't give up thinking that this will come true.. i just miss her too much... and i can't imagine how it must feel for those of you who's lost your children.
I hope you're right Syl
...when my beloved sister will call me and say " hey sis, you were right, i'm also leaving the borg for good!!
now we can make up for all this lost time and enjoy life together as we should".. i just can't give up thinking that this will come true.. i just miss her too much... and i can't imagine how it must feel for those of you who's lost your children.
...when my beloved sister will call me and say " hey sis, you were right, I'm also leaving the borg for good!! Now we can make up for all this lost time and enjoy life together as we should".
I just can't give up thinking that this will come true.
I just miss her too much... and I can't imagine how it must feel for those of you who's lost your children.
when i was jw i never had money but that was how it was supposed to be (have a boring part time job and pioneer)...i didn't worry about my pension coz paradise would come long before i'd reach that age.
well, now i will grow old (hopefully) and i do worry a little bit about my pension.
however, i do have some money saved now and earn a good living.
Factfinder, I hope things will work out for you. Hang in there.
i remember ones when i was quite tired and low one elder said to me " it says in the bible that the one who endures to the end will survive, so really the only thing you/we have to do is to endure".. wow, gee, really!!
hey well that's a relief and encouraging....thanks.... i think that all that enduring was what made me tired and depressed in the first place..... what do you have to relate?.
darthfather: hahahaha
antes 8080: is he still an elder who gave you that advice, (if it's true)
when i was jw i never had money but that was how it was supposed to be (have a boring part time job and pioneer)...i didn't worry about my pension coz paradise would come long before i'd reach that age.
well, now i will grow old (hopefully) and i do worry a little bit about my pension.
however, i do have some money saved now and earn a good living.
I am so glad for you who got a good eduacation despite the borgs advice against it!