Dear Lisa,
That must have been so hard for you to hear. I can't believe a father can say something like that. How can anyone think that's right and God's will??
I hope you're doing fine other wise.
Your sister
coz then i would at least be resurrected in the paradise.
horrifying and sad..
Dear Lisa,
That must have been so hard for you to hear. I can't believe a father can say something like that. How can anyone think that's right and God's will??
I hope you're doing fine other wise.
Your sister
sorry i just had to ask since loubelles post caused such a comotion.
Sorry I just had to ask since Loubelles post caused such a comotion.
i cannot live without my laptop and jwd at the moment (i have been visiting hourly of late).. .
what one thing can't you do without at the mo?.
How fast it turned from cell phones & computers to alcohol
In that case I have to say my favourite drink is Sex on the Beach
coz then i would at least be resurrected in the paradise.
horrifying and sad..
coz then I would at least be resurrected in the paradise
Horrifying and sad.
like myself.. i loved it.
can i fall any deeper into this wicked system???.
Like myself.
I LOVED IT (I was a female Santa - oops same letters as in Satan!!)
Can I fall any deeper into this wicked system???
now that we're mentally and spiritually out of the jehovah's witness darkness, what things would you like to say about the religion that you wished you had said long ago?.
a few of my complaints: .
the blood doctrine.
So many things but right now
how they split families thru the disfellowshiping and say it's to win people back
i cannot live without my laptop and jwd at the moment (i have been visiting hourly of late).. .
what one thing can't you do without at the mo?.
My cell phone
i need to know..... .
would love your opines.. .
I think it varies from people to people...depends how deep your affections or love is also I guess. Like White Dove points out, too long abscence can make it fade if you can't keep it alive with phone calls and letters that is.
Just my two cents.
btw...this is my edit......this subject had nothing to do with fhn posting just before me...i would not want anyone to think was coincidence....oompa
I'd miss u 2 Oompa... pls stay
i'm a 32 year old women and my aunt have me panties: pink, blue, and 1 with lil flowers.
there are lil girl panties.
it made me smile, no matter how old i get, my family still see me as a little girl :)
Dear sister,
I think you're beautiful