I understand the Heartbroken part but why do you feel used?
Coz I think, quite sure, he used me for one thing only...(and I'm not referring to cooking dinner)
at least now i know...(i had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?).
heartbroken & used (again).
I understand the Heartbroken part but why do you feel used?
Coz I think, quite sure, he used me for one thing only...(and I'm not referring to cooking dinner)
at least now i know...(i had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?).
heartbroken & used (again).
Newborn, you need to listen to Sylvia. She's a wise woman. (And she will go upside your head if she needs to).
I know and I am listening.
at least now i know...(i had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?).
heartbroken & used (again).
Didn't mean to be funny...
Love u 2!
at least now i know...(i had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?).
heartbroken & used (again).
Dear Sylvia
Newborn, why do you need all this drama in your life? Not sure, I'm trying to figure that out...
For what are you searching? Real love, human touch, affirmation, company...etc
Girl, with all your potential, you better stand up straight and keep your chin up!I'm working on it every day
Do you want me to go oomph upside your head? Yes
Do you?Yes
at least now i know...(i had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?).
heartbroken & used (again).
there will be someone special out there for you and you'll look back at this guy and think - thank god things didn't take off with that loser.
Dear Clam,
I hope so - feel shit right now - why does it happen to me??? Is it my fault?
When did you say we're taking off?
at least now i know...(i had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?).
heartbroken & used (again).
at least now I know...(I had to drag it out of him - how coward can you be?)
Heartbroken & used (again)
why certain/many, guys, goes silent on you when it feels good (and after being intimate) and leave us women feel abandoned, like a question mark, like a fool and desperate when trying to get hold of you and ask why?.
i mean it's fine if you need time etc but pls then just let us know when we'll hear back from you.
waiting is horrible.. i hate to be in this situation again.
and all I asked was, why a guy all of the sudden goes silent on you???
so protective of their purses?
i have two older sisters.
i remember back when i was a little heathen, nothing would make my sisters go into a berserk rage quicker than me riflng through their purses.
Are you implying my generalization was based upon an inadequate sampling of subjects?
so protective of their purses?
i have two older sisters.
i remember back when i was a little heathen, nothing would make my sisters go into a berserk rage quicker than me riflng through their purses.
You are all welcome to have a look in my purse anytime
(I've got nothing to hide)
Anyone seen him?