"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
(do I dare to think what may come from Oompa, Joe D, Outlaw etc)
"don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened".
(do i dare to think what may come from oompa, joe d, outlaw etc).
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
(do I dare to think what may come from Oompa, Joe D, Outlaw etc)
i have been a jw my whole life and am just realizing now that i have no friends.
the 1 or 2 good friends that i had as a child have since moved away and now i am stuck trying to make friends with people in the hall that i am in that don't want anything to do with me cuz i'm not a ms, elder or pioneer.. it's weird, because i look at facebook or other sites where people talk about their day or what they have been doing and it seems like people "in the world" have a lot of friends and have a good/happy life.. i think that the jw's are so busy with all of the wtbs stuff that they don't have the energy to take time to be friends with others.. i am sad...cuz i don't see a way to get any realy friends as too much of my family is in the "truth" and i'm stuck in it .
Dear Iwonder,
That wordly people are dangerous and not very nice people and you should not be too close friends with them is one of the ugliest lies of the WT.
I've the best friends ever now since leaving and haven't missed my so called "dub friends" one sec. As you say yourself they are only your friends under certain conditions...who needs such friends?
I'm sure you'll meet wonderful persons who may be friends for life, at school, work, when you travel, in the store, at the gym, anywhere! And you have us:-)
Good luck!
i count my blessings.
i picked up a kingdom ministry for february and saw, once again, the mindless horror that the organization has evolved into.
there's the grade school reading level.
Good for you:-)
he was 51. we had not been close in the past few years.. he suffered from a rare ailment called sarcoid.
it can afflict several organs of the body, but in his case, it affected his brain.
it caused swelling, and subsequent issues from that.
My sympathies and condolences also. Thanks for sharing this with us.
i've got a few "would you care for a nice massage?
" lately... and guys i have to tell you... it's not working!!!.
If you play your cards right, you could have me tonight
Good one!!
Would work on me (if I find the guy attractive)
i've got a few "would you care for a nice massage?
" lately... and guys i have to tell you... it's not working!!!.
Priest & IP_SEC!
You're bad...
Oompa, this would at least get my attention, "can i buy you a drink, or would you just like the money?"
i've got a few "would you care for a nice massage?
" lately... and guys i have to tell you... it's not working!!!.
I've got a few "would you care for a nice massage?" lately... and guys I have to tell you... it's NOT working!!!
...that my only sister shuns me????.
sorry but i feel so miserable and i miss her enormously:-(.
it hurts when i write her (e-mail, letters, sms) but she doesn't reply.
I hate it too, from the bottom of my heart!
Thanks all for comfort
...that my only sister shuns me????.
sorry but i feel so miserable and i miss her enormously:-(.
it hurts when i write her (e-mail, letters, sms) but she doesn't reply.
...that my only sister shuns me????
Sorry but I feel so miserable and I miss her enormously:-(
It hurts when I write her (e-mail, letters, sms) but she doesn't reply. She's at Bethel but still...
I find it so hard to accept. We were so close.
when i was growing up there were a group of girls in a neighboring congregation who hit their teen years with a vengeance.
they wore a lot of makeup, acted "worldly", and got in a fair share of trouble (a lot of back room discussions at the hall).
they were true rebels (with a cause, i believe now, looking back).
I was never a bad girl, I was the one that was scared of them = bad association as they were...
However I'm a VERY bad girl now
You may call me Naughty Newby!!