JoinedTopics Started by Newborn
New understanding of 144.000
by Newborn inhi ya'll !.
haven't been posting in a loooong time and perhaps this has already been discussed but i've heard that they're coming with a new understanding of the 144.000. that it should be taken symbolically and not literally!?.
i guess they have to change it since so many more apparently belongs to the anointed ones..... well i hope this will make a few of them think and leave.. thx.
Do you still know your bible?
by Newborn ini used to pioneer and all that and new the bible well and could cite scriptures backwards and forwards...(i regret i didn't have any other skills to brag abt).
today i hardly recall any scriptures...(except for matt 24:14 that may never go away though ).
since i left i haven't opened a bible ones.
I also wish I could turn off my brain
by Newborn inthese days my thoughts are driving me nuts.
i need a break from my mind.. since i split up with bf i haven't eaten or slept well and all the thoughts running through my head, abt what went wrong, abt the future etc etc., that just won't leave me alone makes me so anxious.
how to turn off the brain?
little miss sad again
by Newborn ini think i just broke up with my bf .
we've been together 6 months.
lately i've felt less & less emotions and engagement from him.
Will you celebrate New Year?
by Newborn inin sweden the tradition is to eat lobster and fillet of beef and champagne of course!
party, dance and party more with family and friends.. i've never attended a real new year party (for obvious reasons) but it would be nice sometime.... i'm happy that my boyfriend will come and join me from the north.
some times i find it hard to stay awake until midnight though.
I find it very hard to believe in a god
by Newborn inbut i find it equally hard to believe in the evolution theory .
so for now, i chose not to believe in anything but myself and love.
that was all.
Are there any former missionaries here?
by Newborn innot sure i've ever read any experiences from former missionaries here (but i'm sure there has been) .
but it would be very interesting to know how you feel about it today.
everything you sacrificed.
Lack of emoticons
by Newborn ini often wish there were more smileys and symbols to chose from!
isn't there anyway to add more?.
for instance, now it would have been great with a christmas tree but i guess a palm tree will have to do.
Long distance relationships sucks :(
by Newborn inlonging for boyfriend and feeling sad today .
and not sure we can see each other for the holidays.... .