Resurrecting this thread from 4 years ago
Whatever happened to " V " ?
I clicked on his link and it says website not found.
Always enjoyed his post and his awesome videos.
Anyone know what become of him and his site?
now featuring a countdown clock for your convenience.. remember, remember, 12:01 am november 5 is london time of course.. that means north america will see this the evening of november 4th ... have fun!.
Resurrecting this thread from 4 years ago
Whatever happened to " V " ?
I clicked on his link and it says website not found.
Always enjoyed his post and his awesome videos.
Anyone know what become of him and his site?
okay we've all beat our chest, lamented and throttled the dead horse of aawa.. time to move on!.
i suggest those of us on j-w.n who care about creating something the right way take the trouble to get the framework going.. let's do the grunt work and get the nattering, debates, naming and organizing already pre-approved so that "others" who have the talent, ability, motivation and resources can move in and turn the key!.
because it was not done before.. there is more wisdom on this discussion board in our vast numbers than there could possibly be in a virtual boardroom with 8 people brain-storming.. that isn't an insult--it is just a statistical fact!.
I liked the acronym that was on another thread W.A.R.N. (Watchtower Abuse Recovery network)
It's straight to the point that we want to warn others about whats going on that they may not be aware of until its too late.
Also the recovery part of it sounds good to me also.
Who doesn't want to recover from something?
Edited to add: And as far as tee-shirts with slogans or such on them....imagine a tee-shirt with W.A.R.N. in big letters. It would get my attention because I'd be thinking what are they warning against?
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i've been lurking around here for a while, so i feel like i know most of you already.
its been a rough 20 years getting here, but now here i am.
Talesin I'm sending you a PM....please read it very carefully.
[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:donotoptimizeforbrowser /> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
i've been lurking around here for a while, so i feel like i know most of you already.
its been a rough 20 years getting here, but now here i am.
RoosterMcDooster said:
Thats a good question. On the one hand I feel the need to relate my experiences, but on the other hand I feel like I dont want to pour out my soul to a bunch of people who could give a care less. Oh well, too late.
The part underlined above might be an indication why you're having a rough time finding/,making friends.
Wow 13 years of JWN!!!
I wish you'd been around 30 years ago to save me a lot of time lost to a publishing company.
Happy B-Day anyways.
Time to celebrate
in light of whats been going on in the last few days it got me to thinking about what is it that drives us to want to be a part of something and yet reject other things.. for instance for me i highly value words such as truth,facts,honor,integrity,liberation and find that i'm attracted to endeavors which pursue these things.. so for me personally, was a website i felt drawn to because it appealed just in name only at first, but then the more i read the better i liked it.. but the first thing had to be the name to get me drawn in to investigate.. next i thought of randy's site that i like called
just the name sounded so liberating,so refreshing from all the control that i experienced as a jw.. also i got to browsing my bookmark page and realized that the vast majority of my bookmarks were mainly sites that dealt with facts such as, various news websites and history etc.. then i started wondering about why there are some websites others liked but i wasn't that impressed with them.. what did they see that was interesting to them or of value in their eyes?.
what draws you to a company/corporation, or a cause or what is it that makes you want to either get involved with something or pass?.
Just to elaborate a bit more on why I'm even asking these questions, in the probably not to distant future I stand to inherit some extra funds (unless I die first) and had some ideas about how to use them but was curious of what grabs others attention/interest enough to check something out.
Thats why there's really no "wrong answer" to these questions.
Just something for me to gauge from especially since so much has been said in last few days regarding positive/negative ways of setting things up.
in light of whats been going on in the last few days it got me to thinking about what is it that drives us to want to be a part of something and yet reject other things.. for instance for me i highly value words such as truth,facts,honor,integrity,liberation and find that i'm attracted to endeavors which pursue these things.. so for me personally, was a website i felt drawn to because it appealed just in name only at first, but then the more i read the better i liked it.. but the first thing had to be the name to get me drawn in to investigate.. next i thought of randy's site that i like called
just the name sounded so liberating,so refreshing from all the control that i experienced as a jw.. also i got to browsing my bookmark page and realized that the vast majority of my bookmarks were mainly sites that dealt with facts such as, various news websites and history etc.. then i started wondering about why there are some websites others liked but i wasn't that impressed with them.. what did they see that was interesting to them or of value in their eyes?.
what draws you to a company/corporation, or a cause or what is it that makes you want to either get involved with something or pass?.
Stubborn Disbeliever said:
Not sure if that's the answer you're looking for, but that's how I took the question
Really there's not a particular answer I'm looking for because we each have our own likes/dislikes.
It's more along the lines of what captures your interest enough to want to be a part of something. I think your reply was satisfactory.
So looking over your response the things you look for are friendships and companionship. That is what motivates you then. (Your examples of JWN and local farmers market help to illustrate this)
wha happened? said:
I look at all organizations with a grain of salt.
I can understand this because I do as well to an extent. But the fact we both are posting on this forum shows that something caught our attention enough to check it out, then something held value enough to make us want to stick around.
What do you think it was? (The obvious answer is it had a direct connection to JW's but so do other sites)
for some people.
i think of the old man who has no family and lives in a nursing home, and the only time he gets out is when he's picked up for the meetings.
he lives solely for that.. or people who love routine and busy-ness, people who need to be led.. george orwell wrote that the party is best able to impose its worldview on those least likely to understand what it is that's being asked of them: orthodoxy is unconsciousness.. i believe a lot of jws swallow the party line and it passes through them unharmed, like a seed pooped out by a bird.
What were some things you did enjoy?
I enjoyed the "Quickly built" kingdom halls I helped on. Was always fun to join with others and erect a hall in 3 to 4 days back then.
Liked the congregation picnics we sometimes had and "FishFry's".
When I was young and single it was always a great time to go to CA's and DC's to scope out all the lovely ladies from other halls. :)
Some things I didn't enjoy...
Getting up early on Saturday's for field service or early on Sunday's for the meeting.
Seeing a DF'd one come in and set in the back row and no one even acknowledging their existence.
in light of whats been going on in the last few days it got me to thinking about what is it that drives us to want to be a part of something and yet reject other things.. for instance for me i highly value words such as truth,facts,honor,integrity,liberation and find that i'm attracted to endeavors which pursue these things.. so for me personally, was a website i felt drawn to because it appealed just in name only at first, but then the more i read the better i liked it.. but the first thing had to be the name to get me drawn in to investigate.. next i thought of randy's site that i like called
just the name sounded so liberating,so refreshing from all the control that i experienced as a jw.. also i got to browsing my bookmark page and realized that the vast majority of my bookmarks were mainly sites that dealt with facts such as, various news websites and history etc.. then i started wondering about why there are some websites others liked but i wasn't that impressed with them.. what did they see that was interesting to them or of value in their eyes?.
what draws you to a company/corporation, or a cause or what is it that makes you want to either get involved with something or pass?.
In light of whats been going on in the last few days it got me to thinking about what is it that drives us to want to be a part of something and yet reject other things.
For instance for me I highly value words such as truth,facts,honor,integrity,liberation and find that I'm attracted to endeavors which pursue these things.
So for me personally, was a website I felt drawn to because it appealed just in name only at first, but then the more I read the better I liked it.
But the first thing had to be the name to get me drawn in to investigate.
Next I thought of Randy's site that I like called
Just the name sounded so liberating,so refreshing from all the control that I experienced as a JW.
Also I got to browsing my bookmark page and realized that the vast majority of my bookmarks were mainly sites that dealt with facts such as, various News websites and history etc.
Then I started wondering about why there are some websites others liked but I wasn't that impressed with them.
What did they see that was interesting to them or of value in their eyes?
What draws you to a company/corporation, or a cause or what is it that makes you want to either get involved with something or pass?
What has to be apparent right at the start to make you even care to look into it?
What would be some things that would be a big warning light and if you saw would hinder you from joining?
Feedback on any of these questions is appreciated.
i saw a new gb pic on a youtube channel i tried doing a google search for 2013 pics but nothing came up.
man, those guys got old fast!
they all look much younger in 2009..
Well at least they got a Black bro on the GB finally these last few years....before that it was all whites.(only took what a 100 years)
Now I wonder how long it will take before we see an Oriental or a Latino on there. I'm guessing it won't take another 100