I know, and it would be funny if it weren't so sad...
JoinedPosts by stillin
Got this in my email
by stillin inapplication for permission to date my daughter.
name_______________________ date of birth________________ height_________ weight______ .
date of baptism ____________iq___________ gpa_______ social security no._______________________ .
Got this in my email
by stillin inapplication for permission to date my daughter.
name_______________________ date of birth________________ height_________ weight______ .
date of baptism ____________iq___________ gpa_______ social security no._______________________ .
Name_______________________ Date of Birth________________ Height_________ Weight______
Date of Baptism ____________IQ___________ GPA_______ Social Security No._______________________
Driver License No.______________________
Home Address__________________________________________________________________________
Are your parents in the truth?_________ One or both?____________ How long have your parents been married?____________
Have you ever served at Bethel? If so why aren't you still there?
Do you own an appropriate field service vehicle?___________
Make and Model____________________________________
How many Hours, Mags, and RV's have you averaged over the past year?____________________________________
What spiritual goals do you presently have?
Additional space in the back!
In 50 words or less, what does the word "LATE" mean to you?
In 50 words or less, what does "DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER" mean to you?
What congregation do you attend?___________________________________ How often?___________
Please provide names and phone numbers for the following:
Presiding Overseer______________________________
Secretary _____________________________________
Service Overseer________________________________
Circuit Overseer________________________________
District Overseer________________________________
Zone Overseer _________________________________
When would be the best time to interview your parents? __________
When would be the best time to interview your Presiding Overseer? _________
Have you pre-planned your funeral? __________
Funeral Director's name and address_________________________________
Answer the following questions honestly. All answers will be kept strictly confidential
A. Name the 12 apostles___________________________________________________________________________
B. From memory, can you name the books of the Bible forward and backward? If not, why?________________________
C. If you were beaten and every bone broken in your body (because you tried to kiss my daughter) do you feel you would be entitled to a resurrection? ______
D. A woman's place is in the _______________________________________________________________________
E. What do you want to be IF you grow up?__________________________________________________
Thank you for your interest in my daughter. Please allow two to four years for processing. You will be notified in writing if your application is approved. In the meantime, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CALL OR WRITE MY DAUGHTER, due to risk of personal injury. Of course, should you become an elder in the congregation in the meantime, then we would consider your application sooner.
NOTE: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your doctor. -
I can't stay on topic. What is your Circuit Overseer like?
What makes you happy?
by LucyA intoday i looked back on my old posts and realised almost everything i write of this board is negative.
so i decided to post an experience i find makes me happy!
first i should explain that i have a patio at the side of my home which borders a garden.
good music. good conversation. good people. natural beauty. hard work for a worthy cause.
by SnakesInTheTower ini dont know if this has already been posted..but 20/20 has this as one of its segments tonight (fri 11/20/09 9pm cst..abc).
devout jehovah's witness is suspected of murdering his wife of 19 years in cold.
snakes (rich .
perhaps this was all in the divine plan to get the good news to some poor slob in prison. Jarka will be reporting his time from there for a long time. Pioneer hours!
by SnakesInTheTower ini dont know if this has already been posted..but 20/20 has this as one of its segments tonight (fri 11/20/09 9pm cst..abc).
devout jehovah's witness is suspected of murdering his wife of 19 years in cold.
snakes (rich .
about the internet searches that the guy did...could the wife have had that post-partum syndrome thing possibly?
I, as apparantly a minority here, hate to see an innocent person shipped off to prison with no hope of parole. It's just that "what if?" thing.
I don't like the guy either, but neither do I feel that all JW's are EVIL. The jury may have seen it that way and simply railroaded the jerk.
Scary to me is the search of the computer (is anybody here noticing?) and the "spin" that could be put on anybody's computer's history.
I am seriouly disapointed in the Watchtower society
by Aussie Oz ini can scarcley believe my eyes.
i read in another thread about c. t. russells attitude that his 'studies in the scriptures' is better than the bible and come to the conclusion they are not god abandoned today, god was never there.. fast forward to modern times and they are still at it, likening their body of teachings as being part of the bible.. most of you already know the pasages in their own lit that i refer to, i'm just stating my feelings as i dismantle a 38 year old belief system.. it seems to me, that all along, the belief of the watchtower society is this: our writings are true, they are backed up by the bible.
rather than, the bible is true, backed up by our writings.. disapointed.
you and me both. I, too, have spent as many years with only an occasional "Huh?" when I happen upon some odd-sounding scripture. I,also, have noticed the little slip-of-the-tongue when the conductor askes the reader to read the next scripture, when he means the next paragraph.
But even more than those doctrinal things, I find myself increasingly appalled at the behaviour of the WTS. I'm not talking about individual people, who I've learned to turn a blind eye towards (imperfect, and all that.) The arrogance, the deceptiveness. For example, just try to locate on CD Rom any old light articles just for personal purposes. The old stuff may be there, but have fun finding it. For another example, the view that they will always stand behind their managers (elders), right or wrong. I have engaged myself in a few "pissing contests" over the years, and it doesn't seem to matter at all what God's Word says on a matter, as a "lesser one," I walk away defeated just for noticing.
Well, enough "poor me."
But I am also really disappointed. Things should be getting better, not worse!
any time they had an opportunity, it seemed (seems) like they played it for all it was worth. What a downer! It isn't discipline. I used to think it was but I realize now that it's just plain mean-spirited.
Has the Watchtower ever admitted making a mistake?
by moomanchu inwith all their flip flops, errors and changes, do you know of any printed admission of mistakes made ?.
have they ever apologized for wrong doctrine?.
i think it's because of too much pride..
I think that if I had any inkling that 6 million people were hanging on my every word, I would just shut up unless I was positive.
I did not have sex with that woman.
Faithful and Discreet Slave
by stillin ini'm sure that this has been discussed before, but bear with me while i share my little insight.. the scripture about the fds is found in jesus description of the last days in matthew 24. not in mark 13, nor luke 21. those other writers didn't consider it important enough to include it in their writings.
it is the only mention, as far as i know, of any such "arrangement," yet on face value, if you are just reading the bible, it seems more like one of jesus' thought-provoking rhetorical questions, rather than a part of the sign of the last days.
no "two or three witnesses," yet this one scripture has become a rallying cry for a whole religion, consisting of millions of adherents!.
I'm not deep. I thought I was, once. but just to be responsible for myself and to care about others is turning out to be almost more than I can handle. Who can be so vain as to appoint himself responsible for the worldwide assortment of God's people? It's huge! I can hardly recommend any course of thought to another person. We're all so different.
Sure, according to the Bible, God has always had an "organization" through whom He operates. But He has also always searched the hearts of men (and women!) and found worthy ones like Job, outside His established network. I would hope, at the least, to have been of some service to some greater cause and to have my life to be one worth remembrance in the greater scheme of things.
At this point, I wonder whether there is any "established" organization. It all seems corrupted...