Fantastic can't wait!
JoinedPosts by milliemootoo
by V inin the works, watchtower comments will soon sport a webpage under an prominent counter-jw website.
toying with the design, let me know what you think.
site will have embedded videos, links to high-quality downloads and pdf supplimentals.
My Elder Brother's Flip-Flopping Sucking Up to Appease My Elderly Parents
by flipper inwhere do i start ?
a brief summation here.
as some of you know my ex-bethel elder brother told my sister a witness who was a victim of a stroke that in august she needed to move 8 hours away to her witness daughter who could care for her better .
I agree with Mustang, for me the sadist thing is how shallow peoples love is. Both my Mum and Dad had not been to the meetings for quite a while, they still believed but could not cope with people's attitude to my Dad depression. When my Mum died recently people were falling over themselves with "Christian Love" but were no where to be seen when real support was needed, even my Nana does the bare minium when she calls Dad he said he feels she is just ticking a box. That when I realised how false the "Christian Love" is people are just following another command in my opinion, just ticking the box :-(
Never ever for the family left behind, my Mum took her life nearly 5 months ago. She was the most wonderful fun loving and caring person, we had no knowledge that she had thoughts of suicide daily. I miss her every single second but I am glad she is at peace, I wish she had thought about taking her life a second longer so she could have changed her mind as some one else said earlier suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Thank you 2112 for your post as I think that thoughts of suicide should be talked about more, I know for Mum she felt ashamed for feeling depressed and people in the cong thought she was weak because of it but I feel if she could have talked about it more openly it would have taken away some of her shame.
2112 my thoughts are with you xx
If the Internet wasn't around, what direction would your life have taken?
by truthseeker ini sometimes think about what would have happened if the web hadn't been invented yet.
would i have ever learnt the truth about "the truth"?
have you ever wondered this?.
I would have still Da'd but would be living in fear that any day Armagedon would come, praise the internet :-)
One possible reason for current changes
by dozy ini know that the wtbts generally dont give two hoots about the elders (this weeks wt describes the elders as imperfect , make mistakes etc while making no such admission for the fds) but it is interesting that the thrust of much of the recent changes is to reduce the elders workload.
notice three recent changes.
reduction from taking an hours book study every week to an occasional 30 minute study.
My sister said to my Dad recently that they have been told that it is to make attending the meeting easier once the fall of religion happens but anything to keep them in fear works for WBTS.
It made me smile and so glad I never have to go door to door again..
Update KH explosion
by stillajwexelder ini wont bore you with all the details.
however the dedication went ahead on schedule this weekend.
talk was given by john (???
So sad that the pain the Elder was going through and now the pain the family are going through are just glossed over. Sickening..
Circuit Accounts Servants Confesses how the SCAM WORKS!!
by JT inyes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
Wow, thanks for bringing that one up. Eye Opening!!!
Why we can confidently say JW's are NOT fulfilling John 13:35
by yadda yadda 2 in"this is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
" - john 13:35 (niv).
a genuine christian would never totally shun a disfellowshipped family member or life-long friend who walked past them.
I agree!!!
Ex-Bethelite Testifies About Spying In Watchtower World Headquarters
by fleet#44 inby paul blizard.
click for more at it's not only going on but been expanded.
paul blizard writes .
I am lucky they can spy on me all they want I really do not care about them or their Cult. I am Free, finally!!!! Just wish my family could be....
Anyway I am Michele Woods and note to the elders your BS can't hurt me anymore!!!!!
Wow feels good.........