I expected Scotsman to answer that way. I imagine his Jehovah is very black and white, and he knows where he stands.
JoinedPosts by excito-are
Miracles and the wonderful protection Jehovah gives to his people in todays world
by excito-are inthought i would tell you a story given by a member of the church i attend these days in scotland.
after a discussion about miracles in which i made my point that as being raised as someone who belived in god interacting with those in world with whom he truly loved, i had now come to an understanding that if god is the embodiment of omnipotence and goodness, then surely he would not play the role of a trickster who randomly throws miracles about like a trickster, causing chaos and a lack of understanding of the laws of nature due to this.
but it is the very fact of science and the laws of nature that show miracles to be uncommon, and that is is merely that man fails to understand that an certain event has yet to be explained through our knowledge of the world.
Thought I would tell you a story given by a member of the church I attend these days in Scotland. after a discussion about miracles in which I made my point that as being raised as someone who belived in God interacting with those in world with whom he truly loved, I had now come to an understanding that if God is the embodiment of omnipotence and goodness, then surely he would not play the role of a trickster who randomly throws miracles about like a trickster, causing chaos and a lack of understanding of the laws of nature due to this. But it is the very fact of science and the laws of nature that show miracles to be uncommon, and that is is merely that man fails to understand that an certain event has yet to be explained through our knowledge of the world. God cannot act against nature anymore that he would act against himself. For any miracle to be credible, it would hace to convey a deeper understanding than could of been obtained without them. I find it disgusting that God would choose to help someone in the western world because of where there are born or who they are, and choose to ignore the millions of africans dying from famine and disease. This is not the God I could ever accept or have come to know.
From those comments, a woman responded that her baby was born blue ( was it a smurf? ) not breathing due to the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. The doctors said they had done all they could and were sorry, and then the nurse shouted that the baby moved, and was breathing now. ( her church group had all prayed she and baby would be ok the day before ) A miracle. Wow.
No, not a miracle in my opinion, but just a misunderstanding of the babies situation in difficult circumstances. But I stayed silent as this woman has emotionally spilled her story and thought this destroyed my argument of miracles with everyone around her agreeing and me yet again looking like the man of no faith. The more stories I hear from all the faiths I have attended ( Catholics, Baptists, Church of Scotland, Muslims, Mormons, Seven day adventists, Gospel ) the more I find myself ailenated from the Christian ( Abrahamic )faith as the common people view it. No wonder people today of any intelligence seem to turn away from Christian views in general.
We all remember the stories of the witnesses pioneers who were saved from the axe weilding psycho at the door because of the angel behind them frightened the psycho. I find these stories really poor and just make God exclusive to a set of people without any understanding of the real world. What are your thoughts on how people should view this?
History Channel Special on the Last Days
by SouthCentral ini had surgery this weekend and the history channel had a great special on the last days.
they actually highlighted the generation teaching and the millerites.
benny hinn was on and he stated that 1948 was the key year and the generation lasted 100 years.
I think you must of meant 1914 as a key year and not 1948. Unless this is something I have not read about before. The generation teaching teaching from the jw has of course changed so many time since Russell, just to return to what he originally said. I do find it strange that the very teaching Jesus gave on the generation given, is never really looked at by jw, though there is nothing new there. Jesus did say regarding the generation in Matt 24 : 33 that those who see the sign of the last days, would see the end, for example " when YOU see all these things, know that he is near at the doors" Notice he uses the pronoun You and not they for instance. He said YOU meaning those who witness these events see the end of course. If he meant overlapping generations of people, grandchildren, he would of used the word THEY in the context. But in using the pronoun YOU he is specifically referring to those who witness the sign of the last days witnesses his return. A simple understanding of grammer of their NWT of the bible, destroys the notion of overlapping generations as they now teach. Though bible tennis gets rather boring so I usually refrain from talking scripturesd these days.
From a historical point of view the last days has been promoted for the last 500 years by many religious groups, and the jw are just a another group to promote this teaching that has become laughable if not for the damage it has done.
Satan, could be the good guy
by excito-are inyou know, there is always two sides to a story, sometimes more.
surely that must be the same with the bible stories.
who in all logic would only listen to one side and form all opinions from that.
Shamus, STORY being the operative word. By looking at it this way, I make the bible sound even more ridiculous than it is.
And your right, i need to kick the lamp, but does alcohol mix with tylenol
Satan, could be the good guy
by excito-are inyou know, there is always two sides to a story, sometimes more.
surely that must be the same with the bible stories.
who in all logic would only listen to one side and form all opinions from that.
Thanks Dudeson
That was more or less my thoughts. You killed that. Cheers.
Satan, could be the good guy
by excito-are inyou know, there is always two sides to a story, sometimes more.
surely that must be the same with the bible stories.
who in all logic would only listen to one side and form all opinions from that.
Mark Twain said "But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest?"
Good point really
Satan, could be the good guy
by excito-are inyou know, there is always two sides to a story, sometimes more.
surely that must be the same with the bible stories.
who in all logic would only listen to one side and form all opinions from that.
You know, there is always two sides to a story, sometimes more. Surely that must be the same with the bible stories. Who in all logic would only listen to one side and form all opinions from that. Who has read the devils bible? or even who has seen the other perspective from the slandered victim blamed for all mankinds woes? Could it be that Satan was a freedom fighter willing man to choose free will and think with all his ability?
Not that I am advocating paganism here, but just some thoughts on a story only ever told from one side
WTS was the first on the scene after the Haiti earthquake
by bohm inhey!.
the following story is apparently circulating in several south-american bethel-branches: after the earthquake in haiti, the wts was the first provide help in the form of 18 doctors who was transported in by air.
this clearly show how well the organization work bla bla bla.. im curious if anyone else here has heard this story, or have information about how effective the wts helping work really was..
Maybe it was Doctor Who? they sent.
The Jw really have no claim to any humanitarian aid to the common people of any country. correct me if I am wrong, but according to the watchtower itsself, all aid goes to spiritual brothers ( JW) as they often write in their magazines.
Would it be fair to compare JWs to Terrorist Organisations?
by african GB Member in-terrorists are prepared to die for their course,.
-jws are prepared to die for jehovah.. 2 terrorists treat those with different views as enemies,.
2 jws treat 'worldly people' as enemies.. 3 terrorists are brainwashed from a young age,.
No. To be a terrorist organisation, surely violence and the threat of violence has to be central to its actions. However, I would say they have the potential to be a terrorist organisation given they can be so controlled by a number of men whom they know nothing about. The bible and new light could be used to justify anything.
As voltaire said. "Those who have the power to make you believe absurdities, have the power to make you commit atrocities".
God will end all suffering! when?how? Dec 1/09 wt
by bobld inover 2,600 years ago habakkuk asked god that q.what does the wt have to about this q.
"god really cares how we know.
do you like good food?
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and give him a fishing rod and he sells it and eats for a week.