Fader....well trying to be, just as it gets quiet for us, my JW family start stirring things up again!!
Posts by Diva
I wonder if this would work
by JWinprotest inmy wife and i were discussing yesterday the pros and cons of fading vs disfellowshipping.
my wife mentioned that it would be extremely difficult to fade because we live so close to everyone and with two small kids it would be difficult to avoid members of the cong or ignore them when they come to our door.
so i came up with an idea and i wanted to run it by you first to see if it has been thought of before and if you think it can work.. here it is.
I would just do a slow fade: -
Start by being regular meeting attendees, participating at the meetings and weekend field service.
After a few weeks, still attend meetings but leave early (after the first half). Every other weekend f/s.
After a couple of months: Miss meetings, attending only every other week and still leave early. Stop reporting hours in f/s
If people start questioning, say that you, your wife or kids are not feeling well.
A couple of months later: Miss all meeting - no field service.
Elders will start noticing - then say that you're feeling tired/stressed/depressed, struggling to cope with life, pressures of this system etc. You might get the odd shepherding call or visit but evenutally it would become to much of a hassle for them. They will reason 'well I called around and did my bit, so it's up to them now'.
A few months later - you are Inactive Publishers and successfully completed a slow fade.
If that fails - move out of the area!! That's what my we did.
When and should I tell my family I am pregnant?
by Free yet lonely inleft three years ago - did the fade away and managed to avoid getting dissed.
have been living with my boyfriend for a year and a half and am 9 wks pregnant, we are both very happy about it.
i have been having a really hard time with the hormones and the morning sickness - cannot eat anything except crackers as it comes back up immediately and the slight smell of anything unsavoury sets me off.
Hi, Welcome and Congratulations
I would wait until after your sisters wedding if at all possible. That way you can't be accused of 'runining her wedding' or 'stealing her thunder', up to and including her wedding day.
Pregnancy and babies do sometimes have a way of melting hearts. My sister for example, found out she was pregnant by her 'wordly' boyfriend and then was disfellowshipped. Our mother was aboard when all this happened, so I was left to tell her as my sister was too scared to.
I must admit I was really impressed with my mums ,attitude because even as a devoted JW, she allowed my sister to still live at home, was there for her grand-daughters birth and looked after them both up to 2 weeks ago, when my sister and baby finally moved out - 15 months later.
So you don't know what effect it could have on your family.
I wish you all the best. xx
The biggest scandals in your local congs
by jacethespace inwhat was the biggest scandals[or incidents] in your own congregations that got you starting to doubt whether the watchtower was what it made itself out to be?.
one the things for me was the attitude of the people in the congregation after i had took some time off meetings and then returned again.i quickly realized there was no unconditional love only conditional love.also when the watchtower had a letter read out from the platform warning us to not watch the bbc panarama documentary on the watchtowers child abuse problems.and everyone just avoided watching it and said that it was "satan"trying to use anything to get us out the "truth".
Yes, and I was one of those who refused to watch it. I thought it was Satan's attack of negative progpaganda, trying to discredit JW's.
I decided if I didn't watch it I wouldn't have to defend my JW beliefs the next day at work and put myself in a corner!
I regret not watching it now - but it goes to show the controlling power of the org, telling us what and what not to do.
Back to the original question..... Yes I'm watching it and loving the music (not so much the pulpit speeches!) Loved Brooke and OMG Usher is on now....
PS Sorry Snowbird, I don't agree with you.
...A Doggie Day in Hell...
by OUTLAW inever have one of those days..when you go outside,and part of your dogs throat has been ripped out?...
that was the begining of my day... i have no idea what attacked him..whatever it was,was f*cking vicious!
!..there was a 2 inch hole of missing fur and skin on his neck.....and a severed artery......also a 2 inch hole of missing fur and skin on his leg.....and..another severed artery.....there was blood everywhere... the nearest vet is 1 1/2 hours away..i phoned in and told the doctor to be ready for me... i tied the dogs wounds up with tee-shirts to try to minimilize the bleeding..then put a 100 lb bleeding dog,in the back of the truck..........poor dog tried to stand up in the truck..his neck started to gush with blood..i got him to lie down..the bleeding slowed.....i jumped in the truck and drove..that was one long hour and a half... the doctor came out..looked at the dog,ran back in and brought out a stretcher..it took three of us to bring him in so he would`nt move around..that dog has spunk!..lol!!.
Glad to hear that your dog made it through
Did Everyone Really Love Michael Jackson? (I'm Confused)
by minimus ineveryone talked about him as being a weirdo.
a pedo.
a freak.
Flipper - It is very sad about Farah, however outside US she really isn't that big - there has been virtually no coverage of her death over here in the UK. If you ask kids about Charlies Angels, they would most likely think of Drew, Cameron and Lucy. Besides Charlies Angels I would be hard pressed to tell you anything else about her. However Michael Jackson is known and admired the world over .
Also Farah's illness was well documented, whereas the death of MJ is just a total shock - I still can't believe it
Michael Jackson is Dead!
by slimboyfat insomeone else posted on another forum they heard on the radio michael jackson is dead.
Just to say that the above post is not the sentiments of The Borg - he forgot to log out and I posted under his name in error.
He does not like Michael Jackson - I do!! (Sorry dear)...
Hi I hope i am welcome
by cantleave inhi guys and gals,.
i am a hypocryte.
brought up in the "truth" but know its not.
I try not to defend imperfections of men, since there isn't one fault I found in witnesses as humans that I haven't see elsewhere.
Yeah but I've never heard of any other organisation claiming to be "the most loving organisation in the history of mankind". Kinda setting yourself up for failure with statements like that.
Hi I hope i am welcome
by cantleave inhi guys and gals,.
i am a hypocryte.
brought up in the "truth" but know its not.
I cannot help you there when it comes to having belief in and trusting in Jehovah we are all on our own.
Cantleave, you heard it from our resident witness - 'Your on your own' LOL , Ahh the love.