Topics Started by Diva
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-13-2011 WT Study (MARRIAGE)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 03-13-11 wt study (january 15, 2011, pages 13-17)(marriage).
respect marriage as.
21 marriage, of course, is not the only gift.
Introducing myself
by Jeremy430 ini'm mostly here to meet new like minded friends.
growing up in the religion has jaded my perspective.
most of my believes the wts is bs, but there is that part in the back of my mind that fears they have the truth.
Where do I begin?
by Backspacer ini'm new here but have been reading/lurking for several months.
it's good to know that i'm not alone in my ex-jw status and that my story and experiences are not unique.
i have no bitterness or anger anymore.... that's long gone since i left some 12 years ago.
Venus Williams French Open Outfit Dominates Headlines - Pictures Included
by Mythbuster invenus williams easily won her opening match at the french open on sunday, beating patty schnyder with consecutive 6-3 victories.
but it was not her performance that drew the most attention.
williams' lacy black-and-red outfit, which gave "the illusion of being see-through" according to the ap, is the tennis star's most talked-about on-court apparel choice since she wore a skimpy green uniform at the australian open in january (where she was voted an australian open hottie).
From Pioneer to Professor: My Story
by laverite ini wanted to say hello.
i knew i was gay.
i wanted to study and learn about everything i could.
Making the leap - lurker to member - Hello!
by Hadit inive been lurking here for the past couple of months since i started researching the organization.
i dont have many people to talk to and its been a saving grace to read your posts.. i dont really know where to start so here i go.
its been a long journey getting here and it looks as if i still have a long ways to go to get somewhere healthy, stable and strong.
JWs in Ghana disown 5-year-old son for receiving blood transfusion
by brizzzy in
so sad.
how can you even hold a 5-year-old accountable for anything, anyways?.