Oh, and the flood of Noahs day, as it is taught by the WTBS, didnt happen.
imo - the great tribulation:.
occurs when religion is attacked.
it appears to be a destructive power apart from god but without his intervention 'no flesh would be saved' on earth (matthew 24: 21 and 22).
Oh, and the flood of Noahs day, as it is taught by the WTBS, didnt happen.
as most of you know, that evil spirit creature known as satan the devil is of course after jw's and only jw's.
i can remember this middle aged lady at my old hall give a comment on how "satan works in the most mysterious ways against jehovah's people, he even has the teachers give out more homework on meetings nights so that he can make it more difficult for the young ones to attend the meetings".
at that time i was hardcore in it, and even thought this lady is a "looney-tune".
I was told that sugar was one of Satan's tools.
today i turn 25!
my friends are throwing me a party.
this is the first time that anyone has thrown me a party.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear LunaFling,
Happy Birthday to you!!!
this is not based on polictics.
it is based on what you would personally do in a specific circumstance.
please do not base your answer on a democratic or republican response.
restrangled, you wrote: "This is not based on polictics. It is based on what you would personally do in a specific circumstance. Please do not base your answer on a Democratic or Republican response."
This made me think, "why would anyone need to put in that kind of disclaimer unless there's a hidden agenda here?" Then there was a reference to 'Sara'- are we talking about McCain's veep? I'm not a McCain supporter, and I truly do not mean to be argumentative, but I prefer to know the full story before I answer a question.
I'm sorry, but after spending some 34 years in a manipulative organization I'm a little hyper-sensitive. ;-)
And I'd be glad to offer my opinion if I knew more details.
letter by dr. julius mantey - .
misquoted by the watchtower society.
Awesome. How did you get this?
this is not based on polictics.
it is based on what you would personally do in a specific circumstance.
please do not base your answer on a democratic or republican response.
Pardon my ignorance, but this thread seems to be trying to lead somewhere....?
can anyone point me in the directions where i would stats on how many deaths have occurred at kingdom halls?
i just got back from the bathroom barfing after reading this email.
i wanted to respond to it with some stats.
So one Sunday I was standing 3 rows behind the guest speaker during the opening song and -boom- he goes down! Brothers and sisters worked CPR and the firemen showed up but to no avail. He was gone.
After the ambulance left we went back in and just had the WT study.
i read it in wiki.. the best i can make out is that these are the reasons:.
"patterned after the capstone of the great pyramid of egypt, symbolic of the christ".
and that russell made (superstitious) predictions based on measurements in the pyramid.. "russell had first published that the date 1874 was derived from a measurement of 3416 pyramid inches[105] which measurement was revised in the 1910 edition to 3,457 inches (87.8 m) to point to 1915.".
OMG that was awesomely funny! I love it when Russel was singing the ya-ya's! ROTFL!!!
boy these guys are excited.. .
Whoa- look what happens when I tried to register there:
Register as a Member
Thanks to humble truth-seekers repeatedly lying to get a membership, no new memberships are being taken at the moment. Check back in two weeks.
i was asked by a friend to go with an older sister yesterday to the hospital to talk with her surgeon about her upcoming major surgery.
hospital liason committee told her to watch the society's video on blood, and if she can't get her surgeon to agree on non-blood treatments, then they will help.
it was the weirdest experience of my life.
I agree with Reniaa!
That poor, poor woman! Can you even imagine being her? Obviously she doesn't even have family that she trusts to go to the doctor with her, and now she has to face surgery alone.
She's been so used to doing whatever the Society tells her to do because she trusts whatever they say. Why should she learn the scientific reasons? She isn't basing her decisions on the science, she's basing them on what she's being told to do. Why does she have to pretend otherwise?
Yeah, yeah, I know the answer... (sigh) It's the legal department in NY. I wish things were like they used to be, when elders would rush into the hospital and tell the doctors what to do. At least that would be more honest.
Of all times for them to abandon her, when she's already so afraid of getting major surgery! Shame on them!