he is in the top 2 percentile of those who WILL NEVER become Mormon or any other high control religion.
Regarding your friend, or anyone else, how is this determined?
How do I find out what percentile I'm in?
my best friend and his girlfriend came over for a visit tonight.
he used to be a jw, drifted away, and is a very spiritually enlightened person.
she is a mormon.
he is in the top 2 percentile of those who WILL NEVER become Mormon or any other high control religion.
Regarding your friend, or anyone else, how is this determined?
How do I find out what percentile I'm in?
it was discussed by the president & kerry, it will be all over the news over the next few days because of the death of a hero, for some reason the stem cell issue scares me and i dont think i could support it, taking some voiceless life to improve another, maybe i am misinformed?
it all seems unethical.
i dont know all the facts, can you enlighten me please?.
Seems to me that once we can divorce the stem-cell issue from abortion, some real progress can be made. Then, the science can stand or fall on its own merits.
I guess someone better get crackin' on obtaining stem cells in a way that doesen't involve human embryos? I imagine once that happens, most objections would go away?
the internet has only been around for 10 years, yet it has profoundly changed the way we live, work and entertain ourselves.
particularly for children, they have readily adapted to this technology so much so, that teachers and educators are finding that their traditional based curriculums are leaving kids bored.
these are the kids who are used to surfing, instant messenging and downloading digital music.
I see the WT in a catch 22...
Discourage kids from getting college diplomas, and their main source of future cult members have a limited earning potential. Limited earnings mean limited donations.
Let up with the anti-college crap, and the future dubbers may earn more and donate more, but are more likely to leave.
It can't be both ways. The WT is gonna have to decide what they like more : brainwashed loyalists or $$.
My guess is that cash flow will win out over the hard-line position on college, eventually. After all, this is a business we're talking about. I just hope it doesen't take too long. Enough people have made regrettable career decisions based on heavy-handed WT advise.
i remember when i was growing up in the 70's and 80's the thought of even looking at a birthday card was thought to be satanic.
now i hear that jw's are alittle lax on celebrating holidays.
my niece who is not a jw but lives with my mom who is a devout jw had christmas lights in her room and the elders came over to my mom's house and did not raise cain and abel.
To Little-Toe's point -
The WT seemed to make an allowance for JW women with 'worldly' husbands. In so many words, they told these women to do what their husband demands regarding holidays.
I found this quite telling. I believe that this crap will loosen up over the next few years - they have bigger fish to fry.
i was speaking to a lady today who isnt a witness.
she's a very intellegent, well educated and well travelled girl, and she tells me how much she enjoys reading the watchtower and awake.
i said to her that she has to be joking, and she tells me that she she likes them a lot.
I certainly don't enjoy reading that crap, but I force myself to. The family that I love is in the WT cult, and I need to know what's going on in their lives.
as an animal lover, i have some questions jws have never dared to breach (according to a search of jw publications).
if humans die because of inheriting adam and eve's sin, why do animals die?
were animals created imperfect?.
I always figured that animals died, simply because, nature needs them to.
If humans lived forever or grew old and died, nature would still need complex biomolecules fed into the ecosystem to sustain itself. Plants need nutrients from soil, and these must be continuously be replenished. The answer: dead animals.
e-watchman has finally gone public with letter writing to the governing body and posting a new message on his site that shows he wants the gb to say they are sorry and clean up their act.
a sampling:.
I've always felt that e-watchman (and others like him) are an important phenomenon within the WT.
Just consider what he represents. He's an active JW who is publicly refuting and disagreeing with a large amount of official WT doctrine. This is a dymanic that the WT is not used to dealing with. I am quite interested in what becomes of him.
How many JWs will actually read what he writes, simply on the basis that he claims to be annointed and is NOT (yet) disfellowshipped? For many witnesses, that is a simple litmus test of e-watchman.
And still the WT has not chosen to dispose of him. This tells me that they've taken note of him and are worried about what to do.
If the order comes down to disfellowship him, the WT runs the risk of alienating him and his fans. For e-watchman's fans, a DFing will only confirm that the WT has further aposticized itself.
If they let him hang around...well, you know how they feel about dissent. His essays about the UN relationship and child molestasion are as damning as anything, and this is from an active, annointed witness. To let him remain an active witness while running his website completely contradicts WT policy up to this point in time. The WT is ultimately going to be forced down one path or the other.
At times, I think he's a complete nut. Other times, I feel that he's simply a brainwashed JW with a conscience and a set of brass stones. Either way, he's an apostate's best weapon. He's a man on the inside.
Go for it, Watchman. Help us tear down this despicable tower. You've only just realized what many of us have known for a long time...that the WT is no less of a trashy whore than ANY OTHER RELIGION ON THIS EARTH.
my husband and i had a committee meeting because of underage drinking.
when he was being counseled, the p.o.
told my husband that he needed to make me wear different clothes to the meeting because it made some of the brothers unable to concentrate.
When I was a kid (maybe 12 or 13 years old), there was a small party at my house. Just a few families from the hall. Adults sat & talked & drank coffee, the kids played video games and watched movies.
We watched 'Iron Eagle', for those who are lucky enough to not know, it's a low-calibre 80's movie about fighter jets and such...very dumb, very harmless.
As everyone was leaving, my buddie's elder dad pulled me aside and said something to the effect of...
'Maybe next time watch something that's no so violent.'
It wasn't until much later that I realized the irony of such council when it comes from a man who is well-known throughout the Kingdom Hall to greatly enjoy real-live violence on Autumn Sundays in the form of American Football.
As a kid, all I had to say was 'uh..OK'. Even now, I doubt I'd call him out, I just like the guy too much.
not too long ago, someone posted a link to a website advertising a movie called 'the beast' or something like that.... the premise being the fraud of christianity, the movie looked like something i'd like to see.
i cant find the post anymore.
Not too long ago, someone posted a link to a website advertising a movie called 'The Beast' or something like that...
The premise being the fraud of Christianity, the movie looked like something I'd like to see. I cant find the post anymore. Can someone help me out?
for me it was that i knew it was lie from a young age.. cg
'for me it was that I knew it was lie from a young age.'
It was the same way for me. Even as a young child, the pieces never seemed to fit the puzzle, so-to-speak. It needed an uncomfortable amount of force to make it work, and somehow, I inherently knew that 'truth' needed no external force to manifest itself or make plain sense. After that, it was only a matter of time. I remember actually praying to God to help me. I pleaded with Him to make it as plain as day, for a simple, stubborn mind as mine. He never answered....or maybe he did in a way. It no way could I imagine a God of truth requiring me to swallow lies.
In my early years, I always seemed to know I would never follow the cult as an adult. It was only a matter of me waiting to make my move.