I know the area congregations. And I believe that I know the families that helped facilitate the formation of those congregations.
One of those family names is mine.
anybody here remember the "lake" congregation in rochester (actually greece) ny?.
this was before it split into the english park and long pond rd.
I know the area congregations. And I believe that I know the families that helped facilitate the formation of those congregations.
One of those family names is mine.
"but, but, i'm an atheist!
ah, another one.
i laughed the first thousand or so times i heard it, but it's gotten old.
Very cool. Keep at it!
the journey being life, what have you discovered that you never expected to... could be a musician, actor, a movie, a type of food, a thought, a realisation, a religion, a thing about your personality or an emotion, a particular song... it could be anything really.... what have you discovered?
There is no spoon...
some religions which have been on the fringe of society are eventually accepted into the mainstream because they have an aspect which is socially acceptable or beneficial to society.
for example, the seventh day adventists have hospitals and the mormons have the tabernacle choir.
but the jws seem to have nothing with which to appeal to the larger culture.
Good points here, but I see the other side as well...
As corporate interests become paramount to the WT, other ideas may be forced to take a back seat. A business's main objective is to perpetuate itself and generate profit, and according to most casual observations, the WT isn't doing too well in that regard.
How long before some important people in the WT decide to try something in order to stop bleeding money and people? A shuffle towards mainstream here and there, and maybe some fringe members can catch their breath and continue on. In short, I believe that the WT simply MUST move in that direction to improve marketability and encourage growth. Growth in 3rd world countries where people are dirt poor doesen't do the WT much good. They need members with money.
it's a doctrinal question.
of course the gospel of john may have been written by someone who made this conversation up.
but let's assume it really did take place between pilate and jesus christ.. john 1837"you are a king, then!
Perhaps oversimplified...but,
I believe that Pilate was indicating to Jesus that any 'truth' that Jesus offered could be challenged or refuted. Pilate was basically denying that there are any concrete, irrefutable truths, or facts, if you prefer.
I could state that the sky is blue, but if someone is disposed to argument, they could come up with a variety of reasons explaining why the sky is not blue. It all comes down to a basis of diaglogue. If there is no area of agreement on anything, no meaningful dialogue or exchange could occur.
Basically, I take from it that Pilate was telling Jesus that there was nothing meaningful he could say to him, because or a difference in assumptions about the nature of reality.
that's the link.
you all better get right on over there now and register.
I think that e-watchman and his little online congregation are great. They're like termites - destroying the building from the inside out.
I think he will indeed write that book, simply because his ego demands it. Let him and his followers try to show that book to friends at the KH...WHAM....more DFings. Eventually, (if this hasn't happened already), the WT will be forced to pull the trigger on him.
Then we'll see what e-watchman is REALLY all about. He'll go down kicking and screaming all the way, but it will be a losing battle. No doubt he will seeth and stew in his own juices until he ascends to the rank of Apostate General. What a little monster the WT cult has created.
can anyone tell me if associating with dfd/dad people or reading "apostate" literature is a disfellowshipping offense?
is it one of those unwritten rules, or is there something written about it in the wt?
I've known of witnesses who we're 'caught' reading apostate literature. They were warned not to continue, and were certainly 'marked', but if they kept to themselves they were OK. No DF/DA action taken.
Elders have privately told individual dubs that they can read whatever they want, the problems start when it goes public in the hall.
the theme text for jehovah's witnesses this year is, "keep on the watch...prove yourselves ready.
" (matthew 24:42, 44) .
and what a year it has been for the watchtower bible & tract society.
My staunch JW sibling recently informed me that she plans on starting Grad School in a few months. I can't tell you how freakin' happy I am.
More and more, it seems that the dubs are picking and choosing what WT crap to pay attention to, and discarding the rest. That choke-hold sense of absolutism is apparently waning; I applaude that.
It is a slippery slope, and the WT is painfully aware that if witnesses ignore WT demands on 'minor' issues, it is only a matter of time before they do the same on 'major' ones. I expect a hard-line crackdown from the Tower.
Or maybe, this is it. Maybe this is the best the WT can do...print worthless articles that go largely ignored.
dear friends:.
most witnesses do not vote, and have not done so for many years, although strictly speaking current watchtower policy does not forbid voting in a political election, but rather leaves it as a matter of conscience.
so, it is up to each witness to decide for themselves if it is ok to vote or not.
Heh - I can't wait until some candidate runs on a platform promising to close the deficit by taxing the hell outta religions.
Watch and be amazed as mysterious, wonderful 'New Light' tells the WT that witnesses can vote in good conscience, as long as they're voting to protect the cult's dollars.
Once upon a time, I would've never believed such a thing possible. Once upon a time I was quite stupid.
my best friend and his girlfriend came over for a visit tonight.
he used to be a jw, drifted away, and is a very spiritually enlightened person.
she is a mormon.
On a side note - how do I get rid of that yellow highlight on my text after I use the quote feature?