Apostle paul said it was better for you to be single if you wanted to serve God, because you could devote your self to God without distraction of having a wife and family but also said if you could not remain single to get married and there was no sin in doing so. 2000 years later so what's up with Jesus and John the baptist telling everyone to repent cause the end was near? I don't get that at all , maybe he was saying that life was short and we must repent while were alive because the end of our lives was near! I don't even know, its all hogwash anymore!
JoinedPosts by Number1Anarchist
Deceptive or just wrong?
by johnnyc ini have been virtually non-stop studying everything i can get my hands on with regards the wtbts, and "apostate" literature and information.
in all honesty, 80% at least is non-sense and over critical.
however, i do find about 20% (if i have to create a percentage reference) is appropriate in its line of reasoning and questioning.
by Number1Anarchist inok, what article in the proclaimers book makes you vomit the most?.
68 part of paragraph 2.. as a result, after the summer of 1917, a number of congregations of bible students were split into two groups, those loyal to the society and those who were easy prey to the smooth talk of the opposers!.
B the X I love all that old material from C.T. Russel it reinforces our decision to leave this wacky religion. It's the same as any person claiming they are God or they are Jesus. If you talked to someone and they said they were God you would think they were nuts! We finally figured it out but it took awhile C.T. was truly nuts.
Thx Insearchoftruth, will check that page out!
Witness 007 he punished his liver with beer and alcohol. the guy was a drunk and an idiot and that's why i quoted the proclaimers calling the people who was against him as opposers. He was a true scumbag.
I read also in the great passage pyramids VII where C.T. Russel was calling the Millerites Saints whle calling the papacy evil. That truly shows his influence of these millerites and there predicting the end times. He was totally into this end time BS!
I hope the Watchtwoer burns to the ground!
by Number1Anarchist inok, what article in the proclaimers book makes you vomit the most?.
68 part of paragraph 2.. as a result, after the summer of 1917, a number of congregations of bible students were split into two groups, those loyal to the society and those who were easy prey to the smooth talk of the opposers!.
Sarah that's some great information!
That last one is seriously sickening to say that the stones would cry out if it wasn't for Russel. There basicaly calling Russel God. that is demonic.
Thx for the great comment.
any problems with this 607 response from Elder PO
by besty inback in may 2007 i got this response from my brother who later acted as chief witness for the prosecution at our kangaroo court.
in fact he travelled 1000 miles round trip to do so.
he was motivated :-).
Thx Leolaia !
Even the way his brother writes his email is quoteing the stance of the Watchtower, when they say we trust the chronology of the bible when there is none.
This is all regurgitated BS from the Hierarchy and what they say goes.
Absoluteley rediculous!
any problems with this 607 response from Elder PO
by besty inback in may 2007 i got this response from my brother who later acted as chief witness for the prosecution at our kangaroo court.
in fact he travelled 1000 miles round trip to do so.
he was motivated :-).
I thought i heard they believed 606 bce for 60 years before they figured out they were wrong,lol.
I saw the date 606 bce in some of the old books.
they sure were experts as you can tell, only took them 60 years to figure out they were wrong.
I can't even convince my wife, she is so brainwashed and not open to anything.
The date is meaningless. It all comes down to there addiction to dating shit and predicting the end of the world.
any problems with this 607 response from Elder PO
by besty inback in may 2007 i got this response from my brother who later acted as chief witness for the prosecution at our kangaroo court.
in fact he travelled 1000 miles round trip to do so.
he was motivated :-).
For one thing there is no chronology in the bible at all.
539 bce is derived from secular history and nowhere in the bible does it use 539 bce.
there are no dates in the bible at all.
So if you support 539 bce you have to support 586/587 bce because the dates are from the same source.
Once again the society taking what they want to support there doctrines.
Tell him to name the Scholars he gets his dates from i can guarantee you there all from the Watchtower.
Correct me where i'm wrong but i want truth and facts and not lies and bullshit!
by Number1Anarchist inok, what article in the proclaimers book makes you vomit the most?.
68 part of paragraph 2.. as a result, after the summer of 1917, a number of congregations of bible students were split into two groups, those loyal to the society and those who were easy prey to the smooth talk of the opposers!.
by Number1Anarchist inok, what article in the proclaimers book makes you vomit the most?.
68 part of paragraph 2.. as a result, after the summer of 1917, a number of congregations of bible students were split into two groups, those loyal to the society and those who were easy prey to the smooth talk of the opposers!.
Exactly! False prophet who spoke lies and deceived people into believing 1914 was the End and all that measuring of the great pyramid! I tried to show my wife that book by C.T. Russel the Great pyramid passages VII. She ran from that like it was apostate material , she would'nt even look at it. lol. If you have not read it which i have'nt but it's fun to read out of it's like the looniest Horse Shit you could possible read. I'm sure back in those day all those numbers impressed people but today it looks like Quakery! Total nonsense!
Ya Oompa, I think i read that he was supported by some Archeologist in his first book with the numbers he wrote and when he had to correct himself in the second book the guy was dead and he used his name again to support totaly different number.lol Nothing like using a dead guys name to support numbers he never supported.
My wife was in major JW mode last night, a few questions/comments I had
by insearchoftruth inwell last evening, after a pretty normal afternoon, my wife went out and when she came back she was pretty hyped up about the truth....she started to ask me some questions.....she started with the trinity (they gave her another copy of the trinity brochure yesterday) and all i did there was ask her to look at the first four verses of john, the verses in colossians where the wts added (other) and then the first bit of genesis....then simply asked the question...who created the heavens and the earth?
she went on a fact finding mission, never got an answer..... .
well of course she could not end with that....so she started on the existence of hell.....well question for you all here, she read some of the recent public edition wt and it talks about satan being subject to torment...in wts teaching is there a 'hell' for satan.. .
I feel your pain.
You would think it would be easier to convince someone who is a study, but it seems they already got her brainwashed into thinking that the FDS has all the answers.
My God this is an Evil Organization!
My wife was in major JW mode last night, a few questions/comments I had
by insearchoftruth inwell last evening, after a pretty normal afternoon, my wife went out and when she came back she was pretty hyped up about the truth....she started to ask me some questions.....she started with the trinity (they gave her another copy of the trinity brochure yesterday) and all i did there was ask her to look at the first four verses of john, the verses in colossians where the wts added (other) and then the first bit of genesis....then simply asked the question...who created the heavens and the earth?
she went on a fact finding mission, never got an answer..... .
well of course she could not end with that....so she started on the existence of hell.....well question for you all here, she read some of the recent public edition wt and it talks about satan being subject to torment...in wts teaching is there a 'hell' for satan.. .
Oh ya, I agree!
Your not the only one who struggles with this.
My wife is still in as well, Born and raised and not open to anything other than what she reads from the FDS.
Garybuss is right, i think eventualy it will be the end of my marriage because i want nothing to do with the Watchtower.