I don't have any agendas i'm just a person trying to find facts and had enough nonsense from the Watchtower. Has nothing to do with me being superior over you. Look at the logic of accepting anything pagan into your religion whatever that may be. If your ok with that than so am i. Do i understand it? No. I can't engage in beliefs i know to be false and full of man made doctrines sorry been there done that. If you want to go down that same road by all means do it it's your life. You think it's is me who has the Watchtower thinking when in fact it's is not me but you. You have not left that mentality while i have. I have no biblical truth as do you but i know to do an investigation into a religion and not make excuses for it like you clearly are doing. You must have made those same excuse for the Watchtower when you were in, so you jump from one cult to the next. My point is thet're all liars from one church to the next. If you want to defend liars no different than the Watchtower have fun.
JoinedPosts by Number1Anarchist
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
Jaguarbass that was funny once again and way out there at the same time. There is no way to take what you said but if you ever wanted to start your own religion that could make a great foundation. Try it you may become rich one day.lol
BurnTheShips you sure have been offended with facts if you want to gloss over them and believe whatever you want by all means do and have fun doing it but don't go around preaching to people and trying to explain anything about the bible because you know nothing about it. Your just as lost as the next guy so do the world a favor and find yourself before you go around trying to save others. You jumped head first into Christianity and believe all there nonsense. I'm sure whatever God you worship would be proud you take a pagan holiday and recontitute it into a day to worship him, hahahahhahahahaha that is rediculous nowonder i'm not a Christian. If you are offended that's your problem but i speak the truth while you speak utter nonsense. Thx for the good laughs at how rediculous Chritianity truly is. Jaguarbass is looking for somone to convert you may look into the church of Jaguarbass sounds about as rediculous as your beliefs. Have fun!
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
Jaguarbass i have never been a conformist even in the Watchtower i was an ousider who never progressed in the religion. I totally agree with what you say i just love to talk about the way a Christian thinks that you have to pray to understand a book is rediculous. I find it absurd that's why i asked the question. I have said this in the past that calling the bible the word of God is Satans biggest deception. I probly will always believe in a creator but that book has divided more people than it has ever brought together. I did enjoy your comment and it made me laugh and i can totally agree with what you said. thx
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
lallivo1 thx. I never will understand running off to Christianity after leaving the Watchtower.
Reaching Perfection: WIll God Ever Be Satisfied With Us?
by cameo-d in.
.....or will he just keep combing barbie's hair till it falls out?.
does god appreciate diversity?.
Maybe we're supposed to be like Job and be tormented and tortured with boils, have our families get killed or abandon us have everything stolen and still have a smile on our face and not curse God. Maybe once through it all not blame God and hopefully be rewarded like Job in the future. Nice dream if it was true.
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
I appreciate your responses BurnTheShips. Ok so all i have to do is look in an encyclopedia and see where most holidays come from and there history. That has nothing to do with the Witnesses. To deny the roots of paganism is up to each individual. Is that holding onto Watchtower teachings? Like Catholics in mexico when they were converting the natives they addopted some of the native customs to recruit new followers and guess what there still celebrating those same pagan customs to this day.
They have weaved paganism with christianity. i guess that's true Christianity in your book and the Watchtower are not true Christians? That's the part i don't get you did an examination of the Watchtower and said that's not truth and there not Christians but make excuses for the rest of Christianty and call that true Christians as long as they believe in Jesus. That's not my point i'm not searching for religion i want nothing to do with it. You're telling me i'm not consistent i'm absolutley consistent while you are not.
I don't know who you think you're trying to fool to deny that there is no paganism in Christianty. The Catholics hold the torch on weaving paganism and Christian doctrine. Looks to me like you don't care as long as they believe in Jesus . I don't know everything about every religion but i can guarantee that if i did research on it i would find it has paganism in it or some man mad nonsense.Paganism in the Catholic religion i could find in two seconds along with all its man made doctrines all i would have to do is google it.
All this tells me is your faith is Shakey at best and built on the same foundation as the Watchtower. If you're happy with that so be it. I'm not judgeing individuals i'm judging entire institutions and have proof. Prove to me the Catholics have no paganism and get back to me. Didn't the bible speak about being lukewarm and vomiting that person out of his mouth and that it was better to be hot or cold. Well if that's the way Christians think that's is about as lukewarm as you can get.
True & purposeful belief.. from within or without ? Your answer please !
by caliber inthis is an off shoot from loubelle's thread .. i did not wish to steal it.
here are some quotes i wish to explore.
it's the inherent weakness of belief that comes from outside of a person.
AllTimeJeff you've articulated my thoughts exactly. Ofcourse it's nice to have faith in something but when that faith is baseless and built on superstition and you are told you must believe or you will be killed gets rediculous. Do or die syndrome.
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
I can do that without reading the bible or attending any religious services.
Why do you have to pray to God to beable to understand the Bible?
by Number1Anarchist inif you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
Wow, you went from staunch witness to whatever floats your boat. I guess you can just bounce around from church to church and not stay there long enough to know anything about there church doctrines or just ignore them altogether. what strange faith indeed. I can't profess to the church buffet and pick and choose what i believe and what i don't believe that's total nonsense in my book. If i don't agree with all of it than i would never enter that building. why not head back to the watchtower and enjoy that same way of thinking.I'm sure they got a few things right like the rest of the Christian religion. If it's really that simple like you guys make it out. That's why we left the Witnesses because it did not have truth along with the high control BS. I guess if you can just ignore any paganism that the church supports. Sounds all easy and simple to you but for me it's disturbing. Read in the old testament did God allow other gods to be worshipped in his temple allong with his worship. You cannot deny the Paganism in all churches. That's is why you will never see me attend. I guess the God you worship is the one that's not jealous and doesn't mind a little paganism as long as you have faith in his son. Just stick to the gospels and forget everything else believe in Jesus and close your eyes to what's going on in the church you attend. Ok anyone else see something strange in this way of thinking. That's why i'm about to throw my bible out the window you guys are proveing my arguement.
What Are Your New Year's Resolutions?
by minimus inmine is to better organize my stuff and throw sh*t away.
1. Destroy the Watchtower.
2. Find a hobby i enjoy.
3. Get motivated and accomplish my goals in life.