JoinedTopics Started by Texman55
Independence Day
by Texman55 inmartina mcbride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg4tohn9ulg.
well, word gets around in a small, small town .
they said he was a dangerous man .
Your thoughts on Wicca?
by Texman55 insomebody who's become a friend is an ex catholic....pretty knowledgeable on all the mainstream christian doctrines and history etc....now into wicca beliefs....not a actual member, but in tune with the ideas....mediation, incense, being close to the earth yada yada.
not real wound up with it, not pushing it on me.....and theres no way i would ever go there.....just not my style, and think i am over any organized religion at this point.. a good friend, good person.....he cant really explain why he's into all that except it feels good....but i'm a little uncomfortable.....sad to say i think it's a holdover from the jw fear and loathing of anything remotely "demonic"......i'm a good researcher, and in 15-20 minutes on the internet i know i could dig up all the lowdown on wicca beliefs/practices/history etc.....and i know without looking it up that its all just a made-up job like so many other groups we know.....but i hold back because i'm afraid if i knew more i'd feel really uncomfortable with my friend.....i know, i know that's so lame....lol.
just wondering if any of you have any experience with the wicca thing, and what you think about all that.
Anybody remember when southern congregations were integrated?
by Texman55 inas i think i recall, this happened in the fall of 1972. i was living in atlanta at the time, where it was a nonissue, there was a very pretty black girl who was very popular in the congo there.
but back in my much smaller hometown, there were still black congregations when i started studying in 1970....totally separate khs, totally separate circuit assemblies.
not sure if they had a separate co...probably not.. in fact my great uncle, the eccentric old guy nobody in my family had much to do with....been a jw for ages but not very popular in the kh either....had a little house directly across the street.....moody, cranky old cuss, but very independent thinker too in a weird kind of russelite way....he got df'd around that time and i think it had something to do with the integration issue.
Can't remember the lingo about prayer to Jah
by Texman55 inreading stuff on this board makes all sorts of nearly forgotten memories come sneaking back.....now what exactly was i taught about praying to jah for any personal concerns?
help me out folks, i forget just how the phaseology went: something like, god is under no obligation to mankind, not even jw's, to grant personal requests in prayer; the only proper things to pray about are to do with advancing the kingdom, like in field ministry etc.
so if you lost your job, it's not really right to pray for help finding a new one, or even like if your afraid of walking through a bad neighborhood at night, still no dice.
Another new guy from TX
by Texman55 inhowdy all, i just happened to be in your neighborhood and thought i'd ring your doorbell to tell you the good news about jehovah's kingdom, and if you don't believe every damn word of it you're going to die a horrible death real soon m*th*rf*ck*r thought i'd say howdy.. like it says on my profile, i wasted my vulnerable teen years in the watchtower bible and crap society, and it nearly killed me.
funny thing is, i wasnt coerced into it by my family, they were all worldly (well except for a very eccentric old great uncle that nobody liked or visited) and thought i was out of my fucking mind to join up with that jw shit.. which i was.
understandably, because my parents drank too much, there were truly horrible fights every night at home, a very bitter divorce when i was 10, and only child me was trapped in the middle of all that with no one to turn to.