Wow DJ, thank you for sharing your story. Isn't it amazing how clear things look after you take off the rose colored glasses?
I feel so bad for my husband. He has been clinging to the "truth" for some time. I think it is because of his parents, but he denies it. See, I was in the hospital with preterm labor for three days. No one came to see me, except for my DF'd stepmom, sister and sister in law. The rest of my friends were "worldly". Yes, all these people could drive the 2 hours to my hospital except for the "friends". Had I had my daughter early, the hospital would have forced the blood issue, yet no one cared to show up. And that was when I was a good little Dub.
My husband saw that and felt bad, but said it was because we were so far away. Not quite sure what the excuse was as to why no one could help with my three boys while I was on strict bedrest for 8 weeks. Hmmm. Well, no one except for my evil family and friends.
I just hope that this is the beginning of the end for my husband and that religion. I'm not holding my breath, but it is a nice thought.
And I do think I scared the elders the last time they talked to me. See, we were talking about the blood issue and they had the nerve to say that I "had issues" because of my Mom. Uh, do ya think? I came up for air on that one and they soon left. The one actually told me that his wife at one time needed blood and they stood firm and *poof* she got all better. And how is that supposed to make me feel better? My Mom wasn't good enough? Because she stood firm too and she bled to death on the OR table. Good reasoning there.
You guys have been great. I've gotten more support here then I have ever gotten from the so called "friends"