The WBTS basically says that if your child does not grow up a productive members of Jehovah's Witnesses, in spite of everything else they may be capable of achieving, you FAIL as a parent.
At the risk of sounding loyal to the organizaiton, I'll say that its not the WBTS that says this but the people in the organization that twist things around so much that they can't see straight.
I've heard a witness complain about their niece and nephew not getting baptized until they were 17. No joy that they became baptized, just criticism that it "took them so long."
When I was finishing up my study of the United in Worship book after I was baptized the conductor had her gilead bound sister conduct my study. That sister told me on my study that I wasn't doing enough - that I had to pioneer. Even after I said, I was just baptized and so I'm auxiliary pioneering until September comes, she said uh, huh, you need to be pioneering. Oh, how I would like to go back and tell her off. No appreciation that I came into the "Truth" with unbelievable opposition and lack of support like no one I ever met in the organization. supporting myself on a high school (no trade school) education, whereas she lived with her husband's family and before that had been supported by her own her were all Witnesses.