Because they are in a cult, and that's what cult members do. Be proud of yourself for seeing this behavior for what it is - I fell into the trap that I wasn't good enough and had to change to be acceptable - got sucked in and baptized.
JoinedPosts by startingovernow
Why do JWs think they are "better" than the rest of us?
by Almost_Did_It inwhy is it that the majority of witnesses seem to think they are "better" than the rest of us... i almost became an unbaptized publisher... i say almost... i was in and out for about 2 years, but always felt that the members of the congregation looked down on me... what is that all about?
how does that kind of behavior correlate to loving your neighbor and exuding love all the time... they talk about intense love and the condition of your heart... well, if the condition of their hearts is that they think and feel that they are better than everybody else, that just don't jive.... another question... anybody know how to get in touch with ex-jws in their geographic area> it would be great to talk to someone face-to-face :).
There is a JW Therapist Elder in Southern California - Experience
by BonaFide ini know of two jw therapists, one who is an elder.. so yesterday i was out in service (yea i know) and we saw another car group from another congregation in a parking lot.
so we all started to talk and see who knew who, etc.
do you know any other jw therapist elders out there?
In his mind, he is probably just doing as Jehovah would want him to do, as directed by the "God's organization":
w87 9/1pp.12-15“ATimetoSpeak”—When?
MARY works as a medical assistant at a hospital. One requirement she has to abide by in her work is confidentiality. She must keep documents and information pertaining to her work from going to unauthorized persons. Law codes in her state also regulate the disclosure of confidential information on patients.
One day Mary faced a dilemma. In processing medical records, she came upon information indicating that a patient, a fellow Christian, had submitted to an abortion. Did she have a Scriptural responsibility to expose this information to elders in the congregation, even though it might lead to her losing her job, to her being sued, or to her employer’s having legal problems? Or would Proverbs 11:13 justify keeping the matter concealed? This reads: “The one walking about as a slanderer is uncovering confidential talk, but the one faithful in spirit is covering over a matter.”—Compare Proverbs 25:9, 10.
Situations like this are faced by Jehovah’s Witnesses from time to time. Like Mary, they become acutely aware of what King Solomon observed: “For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: . . . a time to keep quiet and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7) Was this the time for Mary to keep quiet, or was it the time to speak about what she had learned?
.... True, it is illegal in many countries to disclose to unauthorized ones what is found in private records. But if a Christian feels, after prayerful consideration, that he is facing a situation where the law of God required him to report what he knew despite the demands of lesser authorities, then that is a responsibility he accepts before Jehovah. There are times when a Christian “must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29.
...Anticipating the problem, some brothers who are lawyers, doctors, accountants, and so forth, have prepared guidelines in writing and have asked brothers who may consult them to read these over before revealing anything confidential. Thus an understanding is required in advance that if serious wrongdoing comes to light, the wrongdoer would be encouraged to go to the elders in his congregation about the matter. It would be understood that if he did not do so, the counselor would feel an obligation to go to the elders himself.
Although I don't know any elders that are therapists, a long time ago I was referred by an elder to a "sister" who was a psychologist. I was having an unbelievably hard time being among JWs, but since I wasn't raised one I was repeatedly told my problem must have to do with my childhood. Yes, I had a bad childhood, and became a JW because of the loving family picture I was given. It didn't take long after baptism to realize something was wrong, I was just led to believe it was me and not the cult I had joined. So I went to this "sister" for help,and besides just encouraging me to switch congregations, she recommended I go on anti-depressants. Now, she was a pscyhologist, and not a medical doctor, but she had a collegue that was a psychiatrist, told him "my case" and he wrote a prescription WITHOUT EVER MEETING ME! Because she was a "sister" and "educated" I trusted her. Goes to show how important being educated yourself is because now I can't believe I went along with this. What I really needed was a therapist knowledgeable about cult mind control who would have helped me leave!
So, AllTimeJeff, I'm sorry to say I doubt that this elder will give up any of his positions if he truly thinks he is helping his "brothers", which it sounds like he does.
Although I don't know any elders that are therapists, a long time ago I was referred by an elder to a "sister" who was a psychologist. I was having an unbelievably hard time being among JWs, but since I wasn't raised one I was repeatedly told my problem must have to do with my childhood. Yes, I had a bad childhood, and became a JW because of the loving family picture I was given. It didn't take long after baptism to realize something was wrong, I was just led to believe it was me and not the cult I had joined. So I went to this "sister" for help,and besides just encouraging me to switch congregations, she recommended I go on anti-depressants. Now, she was a pscyhologist, and not a medical doctor, but she had a collegue that was a psychiatrist, told him "my case" and he wrote a prescription WITHOUT EVER MEETING ME! Because she was a "sister" and "educated" I trusted her. Goes to show how important being educated yourself is because now I can't believe I went along with this. What I really needed was a therapist knowledgeable about cult mind control who would have helped me leave!So, AllTimeJeff, I'm sorry to say I doubt that this elder will give up any of his positions if he truly thinks he is helping his "brothers", which it sounds like he does.
10 minutes of JWs at the door in Tract Work on YouTube.
by Open mind in<p>for your viewing pleasure.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>om</p> .
edited to add: .
this wasn't my creation.
Wow! I don't doubt there will be a KM article soon on how to handle video-handling householders because of you!
I too thought the Asian(?) woman was sincere. The blonde was a bit obnoxious - and I would love to hear the counsel she receives (or should anyway) for calling you crazy. When you said she was arrogant it sounded like she said something like "you haven't seen anything yet" - couldn't quite hear her. I just recently became aware of the flying spaghetti monster so I'm sure that she had never heard of it before - your wishing she be touched by his noodley appendage could be taken as a possible verbal sexual assault! LOL!
I really wonder, with all the warnings about staying off the internet, how many JWs even know what You Tube is. I just can't imagine seeing myself there without my posting it myself!
I commend you. In all the years I went out in service, no one posed any questions that made me question my beliefs. It's too bad.
People who actually listened to Kingdom Melodies outside the Hall
by JimmyPage indid you know people like this?
you get in their car and the kingdom melodies are playing on prerecorded piano... you go to their house and there they are in an orchestral arrangement... even when i was a complete believer i cringed when i had to hear this banal crap!
Yes, of course. I knew one couple that would play them in their home as background music. They did not even have a radio in their car so I imagine that their Kingdom Melodies was the only music they listened to.
I actually liked the songs. I don't sing well so I was hoping the tape that came out in the 90's with singers singing the songs would help me learn them and help me improve in my singing ability by practicing in the privacy of my own car. Boy, was that a bad idea. The "brothers and sisters" used to sing those songs sang them in the most dramatic and annoying way - how was I supposed to learn from that?! Like I was really going to attempt singing like that at the meetings!
I found it really annoying when the driver of a car group would play them as background out in field service - very distracting and made it hard to have any conversations with others.
Great work, Flipper.
I'd love to see the article...could you post it here, please?
Ray Franz emailed me today
by Mickey mouse insorry to name drop.
here's a question: if i wrote a letter to any of the current governing body members, what chance would i have of receiving a personal reply?
I'd like to e-mail him myself. How did you get this information?
Are JWS really cheap or poor?
by heyfea inone thing i've noticed in all the congs.
let's say that a couple in the cong.
gets married and they choose to have a party at a caters.
The ones I knew were cheap. For people who don't celebrate any gift-giving holidays I would have thought that they would put some thought into the gifts they did give. When I got married I had a list of things I wanted. What stands out the most is that I got 4 wall clocks (no wall clocks on the list). A group of my " friends" all got married within a couple of years of each other. For each one of them I thought about what they liked and went to the store to purchase gifts that showed my interest in them. I was single, and very poor, and supported myself financially, but gave creative gifts. These "sisters" all lived at home and had many comforts I did not have. What did they give me? Left over gifts they had received at their wedding showers. One family that I had spent a lot of time with and did favors for when they were in a jam gave me a toaster (not a toaster over, just a simple silver, two slot toaster). Another family who said they thought of me as a daughter gave me a binder to put my recipes in - not a book of recipes, just a binder with maybe 2-3 hand-written recipes to "get me started." The sister who had conducted my "Bible study" gave me wine glasses - don't know if they were left-over gifts of hers but do know that I did not drink alcohol and if she would have taken my history into consideration she would have known better to give me such a gift. What surprized me was that it was the couples that I didn't know, but my fiance insisted we invite because of the positions they held in the congregation were the ones who actually gave us the best gifts or actual cash.
Has anyone done a cleansing fast?
by frozen one inmy gal is having some issues.
she's gone to her doctor and he ruled out a bunch of ailments but she still isn't feeling good.
a friend of hers said what needs to be done is a cleansing fast.
From what I understand, as fast is one thing, and a cleanse is another.
If she is not feeling well, fasting can be a difficult thing to do. I've benefiting from increasing my intake of cleansing foods in my diet. Give her this link to learn more (I got the book in my public library)
To SO CAL: What CO's and DO's do we all know?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inokay, in order it goes like this for peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
Was your Bro. Davis, fairly new as a CO, had a southern drawl, and had been in the armed forces?
What Stupid Rules Did Your Congregation Have?
by minimus inwe had a few.. no gum in your mouth ever!
the elders found some gum on the carpet so gum chewing was banned.. disfellowshipped ones should sit quietly in the rear of the hall.. you had to get at least the congregation's average in order to share in the privilege of mowing the lawn!.
regarding the brother and sister in service rule:
Wow, at least they got to go out. 1st time this happened to me, the brother refused to go in service with me. The second time (not wanting to be as rude, but following the apparent "rules"O I offered the brother (different brother) to come on a RV with me and we could drive seperate. Tough times pioneering.