metatron you have a PM
the material is dated but that only makes it scarier.
graphs show the us will be forced to borrow perhaps 3.5 trillion in 2010 - more than all the spare capital on earth while other governments try to do the same.. result relative to this website?
metatron you have a PM
yes, what was the biggest lie that you can think of, that persuaded you to realize that they were not who they said they were ?.
for myself it would have to be the year they picked as the destruction of ancient jerusalem 607 bc.. i have an assumption this was done purposely to coincide correctly with making 1914 an a important pivotal date.
in human history, which by all factual evidence it was not.. unassuming and deceiving manipulation for self marketing purposes.
That they alone in all the world have a direct line to god and that he told them he going to destroy everyone on this planet, anyday now, except those who are members of his organisation the WTS. And only the really good members at that.
This kept me living with the Happiness Postponed Syndrome for over 40 years.
i can't.
i can't even bring myself to pick up the book anymore but i'm still a christian.. not sure why, just this feeling of guilt when i read it, and guilt if i don't.. anyone else have an aversion to the good book?.
my son called last night.
their offer was accepted for their first house.
they will be moved in by christmas!.
What a lovely house. Very exciting for them.
my wife and i have some young friends in eastern canada , mincan & chellechelle have announced their engagement !
so congratulations you two !
hope you have a long , happy life together !
Mincan and ChelleChelle
All the best as you plan your future together
so i'm stopping at the local pizza shop this morning .
when i see 4 jw's dressed up in their wt uniforms about a block away, just pointing at houses, for about 5 minutes.
so they break up and this one 21 year old kid is standing at this door.
Well done Judge!
i see many threads that address this issue, but i still don't have a clear thought on this.
so i want your help.. the governing body misleads the members- no doubt.
they do change some of their history to make the wt organization look smarter or better-guided by "jehovah.
wow - amazing post HappyGuy
I have felt for a while that there are people controlling the WTS who we know nothing about. Would love to know who those stockholders are.
how to tell the difference between a man & a woman.. but on here!!!
i cant tell wheather they are male or female, .
yes some have the identifying mark or blue.. but some dont.
I'm an Aussie girl (Scottish by birth though)
my frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
CoCo reading the ending of your story actually made me shudder. I hope I don't have a nightmare about it tonight. Very creepy.
PS - If you suddenly stop posting on here CoCo at least we'll know where to go looking for you.
i can't get warm.
its 13 degrees today but feels like zero.. the wind has been blowing down the chimney all day without letup and my feet are freezing :(.
We just got some air conditioners put in our bedrooms today - couldn't stand the thought of another summer without one. Especially when they say we are in for a record breaking summer this year. Tuesday was 33 degrees Celsius here in Brisbane and very humid. Just outside of Brisbane it reached 45 degrees celcius on Tuesday!.
Just thought that telling you about our heat might make you feel a bit warmer.