Hobo Ken - That was a brilliant letter. I really hope it stirs things up a bit. There are too many of us having to cop the shunning of our families because of the selfish (evil really) man made policy of the Watchtower organisation, which they made to suit their ulterior motives of keeping members no matter what the cost to families. My family too is shunning me and my husband and son even though we are not df'd or da'd, just because we told them when given an ultimatum that we were not going back to JWs. The hard thing is in trying to reach a JW's heart and as Mr Flipper has referred to on other threads - their authentic personality. The wall around a JW's heart and mind is quite hard to break through and make them see what shunning does to us on a personal, human level. I think it is because they are so hardened to humans outside of JW (in fact they can't wait for them to die) and we just get lumped in with them, so we become just another statistic that is going to die at Armageddon instead of their real live flesh and blood, feeling and hurting daughter, son, sister and brother etc.
PS I started this thread hoping this article and our comments might help some of us to get through to our relatives who are shunning us and also that any JWs who happen to read this forum might have another little niggling doubt about the WT policies from seeing this. So I feel it's best if we stay on topic on this thread and don't turn off any JWs etc who may read it by the Jesus bashing or profanity thing - please.