Flipper this is yet another control article, this time using the 'self praise' method - nobody else out there knows how to show love like we JWs do.....
While I was reading the part about hurricane Katrina and the WTS response, it reminded me of an email I received from the Red Cross this week in response to a donation I gave them earlier this year after the bushfire tragedy. If you don't mind Flipper I'll copy some of it here as it shows what the Red Cross's response to a disaster is.
Dear xxxx
Your donation to the Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal has helped families to farewell loved ones with dignity and survivors to find temporary shelter, and is now helping them to rebuild their homes, communities and lives.
The extraordinary response truly demonstrated the power of humanity. Red Cross raised an unprecedented $378 million that was placed into a Trust Fund.
Our immediate responseFollowing the Victorian bushfires, over 1,000 Red Cross people worked in relief centres registering more than 22,000 people affected so that worried families and friends would know they were safe. Red Cross served 200,000 meals to evacuees and emergency services workers and provided over 5,000 first aid treatments…
All funds have been, and will continue to be, directed to the people and communities affected, with no deductions for administration costs.
Bushfire survivors on the road to recovery The Advisory Panel has begun to see a shift in priority needs which means that larger community rebuilding projects can now begin. Covering every community affected by the bushfires, including those in Gippsland, your donation is helping to rebuild and re-establish towns and villages.
On behalf of the people whose lives you are helping to rebuild, thank you again for your generous support.
Yours sincerely
Robert Tickner
Australian Red Cross
The point I am making by putting this email on here is that here is The Red Cross, an organisation that is looked upon with disdain by JWs and the WTS, nine months after the bushfire tragedy are still helping people rebuild their lives using donations from everyday 'worldly' people. And this aid is being given to everyone who has been affected by the disaster and needs help, not just a select group belonging to a certain religion.