Thanks CL. I still check in most days to catch up with the latest even if I don't post much. Hope you and the family are all well.
i`m just curious,he hasn`t posted for 11 months .
Thanks CL. I still check in most days to catch up with the latest even if I don't post much. Hope you and the family are all well.
i`m just curious,he hasn`t posted for 11 months .
Smiddy I've sent you a PM
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
This is absolutely heartbreakingly tragic.
RIP dear sweet Eric
part 3 (which is where the actual meeting begins) is finished.
it took my computer hours and hours to render and upload it!!
anyway, this is what i just posted on my youtube channel:.
Thank you so much for posting this Eric. Your courage and composure during that ordeal was a real inspiration.
The Elder Cosmo was very uncomfortable around the 10 min mark when you were talking about someone telling confidential info to your father in law and also about your wife going to court and the slander you are hearing about you. In fact for most of the first 30 mins he was quite uncomfortable. Then around the 30 min mark he seemed to have made up his mind altogether about you and just sat waiting for it to be over with. Maybe he was trying to block out what you were telling them as it was just too much cope with - his cognitive dissonance must have been in overdrive!
The whole thing is just so very very wrong and again reminds me of the nazis who were able to brainwash and control some decent ordinary men to such an extent that they would willingly turn against and execute their old friends. (Of course just like there were with the nazis there are some JW elders who relish in the power they are able to wield over others.)
Looking forward to hearing the rest of it.
All the best
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
We're thinking of you Terry over here in Australia and very glad to hear you're finally on the mend. It must have felt so good being able to eat those pancakes after days of nothing and now hopefully the prunes will do there job and fix the other end.
Take care and best wishes for a full recovery soon.
i just read this in our local newspaper this morning and thought it is very interesting.
this law is aimed at door to door marketing by companies but i am wondering if this may end up including religious 'sales persons'.
the comments below the story are worth reading as jw's and religious callers are definitely who many people want stopped under this new law.. .
I wonder how many Aussie JW's who read this article are secretly thinking "please make this law apply to religious peddlers as well"!
i just read this in our local newspaper this morning and thought it is very interesting.
this law is aimed at door to door marketing by companies but i am wondering if this may end up including religious 'sales persons'.
the comments below the story are worth reading as jw's and religious callers are definitely who many people want stopped under this new law.. .
Lost Generation - the literature is 'sold' under the donation arrangement.
i just read this in our local newspaper this morning and thought it is very interesting.
this law is aimed at door to door marketing by companies but i am wondering if this may end up including religious 'sales persons'.
the comments below the story are worth reading as jw's and religious callers are definitely who many people want stopped under this new law.. .
I just read this in our local newspaper this morning and thought it is very interesting. This law is aimed at door to door marketing by companies but I am wondering if this may end up including religious 'sales persons'. The comments below the story are worth reading as JW's and religious callers are definitely who many people want stopped under this new law.
Here's some of the article:
ANNOYING door-to-door salespeople will soon be stopped from hounding householders.
Under new laws to take effect mid-year, a simple "Do Not Knock'' sticker will be enough to prevent marketers from entering a property and pestering the occupants. Salespeople who ignore the signs will face prosecution, a range of fines and other penalties.
The stickers are already available from the Queensland Government and consumer groups, but there is uncertainty over their legal force...............
.......... Whatever the outcome, all doubt will be removed by July 1 - the target date for states to implement the new National Energy Customer Framework which includes greater consumer protections.
Queensland Consumers' Association spokesman Ian Jarratt said the new legislation strengthened existing Queensland codes by stating clearly that marketers must obey the stickers.
Pressure is also growing for a national "Do Not Knock'' register similar to the existing "Do Not Call'' register which prevents unsolicited telephone marketing.
New research shows 85 per cent of people support the idea of such a national register.
Here is the link to the whole article and the comments:
Story about new Door to Door Laws
this is a sugestion i have to all members of this board ,members from all over the world, to let the victorian government in australia know that the world is concerned about protecting the children of victoria ,and theirby setting a precedent for the rest of the world, who are interested in the outcome of the criminal charges against the religion of jehovah`s witnesses in refusing to abide by the legislation to get "working with children checks"when required to do so.correct me if i`m wrong but i think if all of us sent letters to the newspapers here in australia ,the different members of parliment here,we would demonstate that the victorian judicial system here is under scrutiny to do the right thing in the eyes of the world.. we all complain that the wtb&ts/jehovahs witnesses is a cult religion that sucks,destroying family relationships,here is a chance to do something about it.
whether you agree with steven unthank or not,here is an opportunity to stick up for the children of jehovah`s witnesses and every other child that a witness calls on in their door to door ministry.. what do you think ?.
Smiddy just some more on Kate Langbroek. Her parents are no longer JWs - here is a link to her father's story Langbroek Family .
Kate's brother John is a politician and was actually the Leader of the Opposition here in Qld.
here's the corny joke thread.
post your favorite corny joke thread.
that means no quality jokes!
Did you hear about the magician who walked down the road and turned into a driveway.