What it boils down to is this. Some people see the Bible as a message from a superior, controlling and judgmental being. Others see it as a product of the human imagination.
JoinedPosts by villabolo
Why should I believe the Bible?
by wobble ini don't ask for myself,but my son said last night that he sees no reason to take any notice of a book written by men over many centuries.. could the believers on here give me some ammunition to shoot across his bows to at least get him to consider the bible's merits?.
i am familiar with the arguments against he bible,and my son is familiar with the wt defense of the bible and is not convinced.. thanks in advance,.
Does anyone realize that this was actually discussed in the 19th century by creationists? A book entitled Oomphalos (navel) argued that just as God gave Adam and Eve bellybuttons he also created fossils merely to give the appearance of age even though it was newly created.
Are You Sorry?
by Yizuman inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jihgyjcji1g.
are you sorry you knocked door to door?
are you sorry you converted new members?
Yes I'm sorry that I went door to door for myself, I could have been doing other things, and for others. I brought one into the "Truth" and he quickly brought in his twin brother. No, I haven't had the opportunity to apologize. If I did have that opportunity I gladly would.
What I do know is that there is peace to be found and there love to be had, after the organisation
by LIftsong inmy mother became a jw when i was six months old so i was brought up within the confines of the organisation.
i left properly in my early twenties and i am now 43 so a good 22 years of life, post being a witness have i travelled and documented thus far.
mine was a typical experience of a child in the congregation and i was busy doing my best to be a little adult as the child within slowly fell asleep.
Thank you for sharing that and welcome!
Did anyone see "Earth without people"?
by hubert init was on the history channel tuesday night.. if you kept in mind the j.w.
theory of a "paradise earth", you'd see it would be absolutely impossible for 6 or 7 , even 20 million people to "maintain" the earth to keep it in liveable condition, never mind a "paradise earth".. all that time i was watching it, i was hoping my daughter and son-in-law was looking at it, too.
i wanted to call them and tell them about it, but i am not allowed to "talk about anything that has a religious agenda" for fear of losing them.. did anyone else see it?.
Unfortunately I don't have cable TV but I read the book and went on their web site and I enjoyed it very much. That is my idea of paradise.
And I disagree about its not being liveable. Several hundred thousand organized people in a time frame of a thousand years can make it liveable one step at a time by concentrating their numbers in one region thereby focusing their efforts. If their numbers double every thirty years, either through birth or "resurection", there will be 32,768 times the original number in 15 generations or 450 years (Hope my calculator is working right). That comes out to billions and billions.
It would all be a matter of how quickly each generation can be taught basic gardening techniques and other forms of self sufficiency and thirty years seems sufficient.
None of this is meant to justify the JW millenial delusion which simply is not going to happen but if a major catastrophe were to occur human resilience and imagination could overcome it.
UN to destroy Religion like JW predict???
by asilentone inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aruoyudd74.
That video has fundamentalist christian undercurrents. To put it mildly.
April 15th WT- Satan = Apostates = Critical Towards Brothers = Shun Them
by flipper inwow.
and so the wt society tightens down the screwdriver a bit more !
one of my wife and my lurking jw friends sent us this article which has some very pointed words in it inciting all jehovah's witnesses to take an even harder line view of apostates in this recent april 15th wt.. on pg.
If there is anyone who could mail me a copy of that issue puuuulease pm me. I badly need one and the scans that I got are cut off at the edge.
51% of Democrats Say Humans to Blame for Global Warming
by leavingwt inand the percentages go down from there.... http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/environment/energy_update.
Oompa, evidence from ice core analysis shows that transition phases could occur in as little as a few decades, not gradualistic as previously thought. Also, it's not about major ups and downs in mere temperature alone but more importantly a geographical shift in ecozones. We could have our grain growing regions ruined by major dust bowl type situations. Civilizations have collapsed quickly from changes in the weather.
51% of Democrats Say Humans to Blame for Global Warming
by leavingwt inand the percentages go down from there.... http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/environment/energy_update.
"And why should you believe a government agency like NASA who is just going to repeat government led drivvel?""
What's next Gill, the USA never went to the moon?
Bottom line, there is plenty of documented photographs-media trash reporting not withstanding-of glaciers and the North Polar cap shrinking.
Nature's reality is the end of all discussion.
WTS Explores Adam's Sexuality!
by Amazing inthe all-wise, all-knowing, all-seeing watchtower society peers into and explores all possibilities of thought and logic.
yes, right back to human beginnings they look at how adam needed to determine who or what would serve as his companion!
where did adam search for a companion?.
I remember being at a large special meeting by Frederick Franz in 1974. He was trying to tie in the 6,000 year chronology to that very issue. He said the end had to be within a few months or years-not decades-of 1975 because if Adam had to be around for decades he would have been tempted into bestiality and God would not allow that!
Now, the Adam and Eve gap is long forgotten, along with 1975.