51% of Democrats Say Humans to Blame for Global Warming

by leavingwt 29 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt
  • beksbks

    That's a shame, I hope the rest of the world is taking it more seriously.

    While the economy remains the top issue for most Americans, 40% believe there is a conflict between economic growth and environmental protection. Thirty-one percent 31% see no such conflict, while 29% are not sure.

    I guess Big Energy and their Right Wing puppets have done a pretty good job of getting people to vote against their own best interests.

  • SixofNine

    Greenhouse gasses warm the earth. That is an indisputable fact. More greenhouse gasses warm it more. The explosion of industrialization in the modern age has put more (much much more) ghg's into the atmosphere. It really is that simple. It's been over 100 years since the first scientist realized the climate stabilizing effect of the atmosphere, and worried if altering the atmospheric balance would alter climate. Every bit of data in the ensueing 100+ years has proven those scientist worries to be well founded.

    The above facts are not affected by the average IQ or political affiliation of Americans.

  • beksbks

    Here's something I've been hearing about recently, scary. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0715_040715_oceancarbon.html

    Oceans Found to Absorb Half of All Man-Made Carbon Dioxide

    John Pickrell
    for National Geographic News July 15, 2004

    Around half of all carbon dioxide produced by humans since the industrial revolution has dissolved into the world's oceans—with adverse effects for marine life—according to two new studies.

    Scientists who undertook the first comprehensive look at ocean storage of carbon dioxide found that the world's oceans serve as a massive sink that traps the greenhouse gas.

    The researchers say the oceans' removal of the carbon dioxide from Earth's atmosphere has slowed global warming.

    But in a second, related study, scientists say the sink effect is now changing ocean chemistry. The resulting change has slowed growth of plankton, corals, and other invertebrates that serve as the most basic level of the ocean food chain. The impacts on marine life could be severe, scientists say.

    "The oceans are performing a great service to humankind by removing this carbon dioxide from the atmosphere," said Christopher Sabine, a geophysicist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle, Washington. "The problem is that this service has potential consequences for the biology and ecosystem structure of the oceans."

    Sabine is a co-author of both studies, which are described in tomorrow's edition of the research journal Science.

    Missing Sink

    A greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide traps solar heat in Earth's atmosphere. The gas is known as the biggest contributor to global warming of the planet.

    Since mass consumption of fossil fuels began with the industrial revolution around 1800, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has grown from an estimated 280 parts per million to around 380 parts per million.

    Today's current level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is only around half of what scientists have predicted atmospheric levels should be, based on estimates that humans have contributed 244 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide to Earth's atmosphere.

    "The other half of the emitted carbon dioxide was the so-called missing sink, which was thought to be taken up by either the oceans or the land plants," Sabine said. (Plants absorb carbon dioxide and use it to produce energy.)

  • sammielee24

    Your point is??

    Common sense has to tell the logical, reasoning and educated people, that when you spew garbage into the air, it has to come back down. When it does where does it land? Why the water and the land - the same land your cattle graze on and the same water your fish swim in. Common sense should tell any logical human being, that if a land can't sustain itself then you need to check out the number of people using the land. If the farmers in your country, can't grow enough crop to feed the population in that country - you are in trouble. If a country has no water to grow crops or sustain the people living there - you are in trouble.

    This shouldn't be a political issue - it's common sense. We do contribute to it - we also are supposed to have the intelligence to recognize that and do something about it. sammieswife.

  • SixofNine
    Common sense has to tell the logical, reasoning and educated people, that when you spew garbage into the air, it has to come back down.

    Yes, of course this is true. But warming is a seperate issue. Related, yes, but not the same. Warming is not quite as intuitive. However, at it's core, it's still fairly easy to understand; greenhousegasses warm the earth "this much", and more of them warm it more. "More" is not good, when all life is symbiotically balanced around "this much".

    The problem with focusing in on the pollution, and not the warming, is that while everything you do to fix warming will also fix pollution, not everything you would do to fix pollution would go anywhere near far enough to stop anthropogenic global warming.

  • Gill

    There is NO global warming!

    Sorry but you must research this before you start parroting what the governments want you to believe.

    The earth has been cooling since 1997 and we are on the verge of a mini ice age.

    Those in the 'know' about these things can point you in the direction of no sun spot activity and the solar minimum that may well reach record levels, go to www.spaceweather.com and you will begin to understand the deep solar minimum we are in.

    Ice caps are bigger than ever and there is no doubt that there is climate change but we are COOLING and not heating up.

    I'm NOT going to give any links here because any serious investigator will start looking into this and already knows that we are being scammed by the politicains and if you follow the money trail for the Carbon ofset taxes you will eventual reach Al Gore, Cheney and Bush's amply filled and overflowing pockets.

    Those who want to believe in global warming will remain sheep being led to the slaughter.

    Don't believe a word they tell you but start researching .......NOW before it is too late!

    One thing you might like to look into is the undersea volcanos errupting around the poles which might explain why sea temperatures are changing but there is NO GLOBAL WARMING!

    I've been through a long and exhausting thread on this subject before and people who want to believe the lies will believe them but.....if we can just hurry up and wake up we may be able to stop the governments taxing us all to death.....literally....but we must wake up and start thinking...QUICKLY!

  • ninja

    we are behind the times here in scotland....we are still worrying about CFC's and the hole in the ozone layer......ha ha ha ha

  • ninja

    I'm sure they will get round to brainwashing us with the greening issue and global warming in time

  • beksbks

    Gill, I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but here is just one of Billions! of articles from NASA. I could not find the one I was looking for, but this addresses basically the same subject.

    Sea Ice 2008 http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/SeaIce2008.html 10.02.08

    Narrator: The polar ice caps have been shrinking in summer and expanding in winter for millions of years. But in the last three decades, the Arctic sea ice at the end of each summer's melt has been getting steadily smaller. The decline was already alarming but in 2007 when the sea ice melt shattered the previous record by almost 25% researchers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center wondered is this an anomaly or part of an even more alarming trend?

    Josefino Comiso: We've had low ice cover since 1998 in the Artic. And what that means is that we have more open water in the region. More open water, you're getting more solar evergy into the system. So the Arctic Ocean has actually been warming up.

    Narrator: As the Ice melts, less light energy is reflected back into space, and more of the Sun's energy is absorbed into the ocean which fuels further melting. In March 2008, the ice cap rebounded to a near normal winter level. But much of this ice was thin, single year ice and after a record rate of melting in the month of August the ice shrank to its second smallest extent on record.

    Comiso: If it keeps on going, then the potential is that you lose the perenial ice altogether. Then we'll have a blue ocean in the Arctic. Now if the ocean becomes blue, there'll be a lot of environmental impacts. There are a lot of ecological impacts.

    Narrator: Comiso says the 30 years of satellite data we have on the Arctic sea ice suggest that it's not likely to recover. As a scientist, he is intrigued by the trends, but personally he worries about the planet's future.

    Comiso: Well, it makes me feel sad. A lot of things can happen. In terms of... the impacts to the environment, the impacts to the ecosystem, and not just in the Arctic, but for the whole Earth. And the ocean is such a big part of the climate system and you perturb it a little bit a you're going to change the climate of the world.

    Narrator: One result of such global climate change has already begun to emerge at the other end of the Earth. Summer sea ice minima in the southern hemisphere have not been declining. As warmer ocean water promotes evaporation, which creates more snow to feed the Antarctic ice fields. NASA scientists are using a suite of satellites to study sea ice in both poles, trying to better understand how a complex set of phenomenon, such as cloud cover, reflectivity, the thickness of the ice, weather patterns like La Nina and El Nino, and ocean temperature effect the trends we see today.

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