"Nowhere does the bible say I should preach with physical force (unlike the Qur'an)"
Very clever but misleading that statement. If one is referring to the Christian Bible then it needs to be taken into account that it was written when Christianity was a small powerless minority. Things changed three hundred years later when, through imperial decree, Constantine declared Christianity the Universal religion and persecuted all others.
Nor should one make excuses and say that those religions did not base their actions on the Bible because the mentality of both Jewish and Christian Scriptures was to declare those with different beliefs as evil and worthy of death and eternal torture. That mentality creates an atmosphere of hatred and intolerance which results in wars and forced conversions.
So go ahead and quote scriptures that do say the opposite SO WHAT! The scriptures like the Watchtower speaks out of both sides of its mouth. You want scripture quoted, read Matthew 11:20-24 where the loving Jesus damned entire towns to hell even having the audacity to tell them that they were worse than Sodomites because they were not impressed by his miracles. (Do you realize how many magicians there were in that region?)
So one could quote the Quran all he wants but all four major religions(Hinduism included), in their fundamentalist versions, are a danger to free humanity.