Islamic Prespective:
Suffering is not related to any issue of God's sovereignty or the original sin of Adam. It doesn't make sense to believe that God created Adam with free will expecting him to be 100% obedient. Any creature with free will is bound to do something sooner or later that is not in agreement with God.
We believe that God created all things to worship Him. " I have only created jinns and men that they may worship Me" Quran 51:56
Although He is not the cause of evil he certainly created the elements for its existance such as hate, jealousy, pride, love, sexual desire, etc. In itself these things are not necessarily bad when used properly. But since we have free will we at times use them in such a way that is detrimental to ourselves.
Since God is without need of any sort, our being loyal does nothing for Him nor benefits Him in any way. Its only to benefit ourselves.
This life is a gift but also a test to see how you use it. If it is used well then paradise awaits the individual.