Topics Started by VIII
If This is Not the Tribulation, then What is? California Budget Woes. More Crazy E-mails
by VIII inspeaking about crazy e-mails from jw relatives:.
this is one i got regarding california's budget problems.
this is from a jw who lives in a state on the east coast telling the jw who lives in california to leave because the tribulation has obviously begun:.
How Old is Too Old to have Children?
by VIII inoldest woman to give birth dies, leaving twins, at age 69. her twins are 2-years old!.
wtf is wrong with people?
Radical Civility--Can Rudeness Ever Be Polite?
by VIII incan rudeness ever be polite?
(the answer is no).
as for the bad news, my lovely wife and i witnessed something that shows how those who demand civility risk committing the worst sort of incivility.
The *M* Word
by VIII inlittle people call for fcc to ban 'midget'.
new york (ap) -- little people are calling on the federal communications commission to ban the use of the word "midget" on broadcast tv.. .
the group little people of america said sunday the word is just as offensive as racial slurs.. .
Cougars vs. Dirty Old Men (Stud?)
by VIII ina. hugh hefner and three 20-year old playmates = stud or dirty old rich guy?.
b. madonna--50 years old and arod 33 years old = madonna is a cougar .
c. rachel hunter (super model-rod stewarts former wife) 37 years old and jarret stoll edmonton oiler 24 years old = rachel is a cougar.
When, oh When Will I be Awarded More Posting Privileges?
by VIII ini guess i should have put:.
in front of my subject, heh?
Mother's Day: Do You Send Your JW Mom a Card/Gift?
by VIII insince i left the jws i have consistently sent my mom a mother's day card and / or flowers.
depending on my mood and credit limit i will send her a gift.
she has never asked me not to nor has she said this is a bad thing or not approved by the society.
Telling a Worldly that they will be Resurrected
by VIII ini have been dealing with a terminally ill relative the last few weeks which is why i have not been on here.
she is a dedicated catholic.
which my mom knows.
Hello! I am no longer a Lurker!
by VIII ini have been reading the board for months and have been waiting to join!
thanks for allowing new members.
i was a jw.