Again, I'm an Evangelical, never been a JW. I have a fairly large Bible collection which contains over 100 Bibles from the Tyndale New Testament 1526, the Geneva Bible 1560 and 1599, the actual 1611 King James and most of the modern versions, updates, translations and paraphrases. There are about 35 "Study Bibles" in my collection.
Having said that, in order I like: New King James Version, New International Version and the New American Standard Bible.
For study notes, my first "go to" is the McArthur Study Bible, then the NIV Study Bible and then depending on what I'm trying to understand, I will look at the ESV Study Bible, the New Living Translation Study Bible or the New King James (Nelson) Study Bible. Since I have a large collection of commentaries, word studies and so forth it is rare that I spend much time using study Bibles.
For someone who is new to the Bible or just escaping the WT, I recommend the NIV. There is also a newer revision of the NIV called the TNIV. The study Bibles I mention above are what I term "theological", they, especally the MacArthur explain the theology of the Scripture passage from a (pre-mil) conservative evangelical perspective. There are also "devotional" study Bibles which I think if a new believer has to have a study Bible would be better off owning. I cannot make a recomendation for a strictly devotional Study Bible.
I also like the "Discover God" (Bill Bright) Study Bible in the New Living Trranslation. It has an ugly cover so I would not take it out of the house but I like the notes. It is good for a beginner or someone looking to understand Evangelical Biblical theology and with a devotional/lifestyle angle but without heavy theology. The NLT Study Bible is also good.
I gave my non-believing brother a text-only NIV for Christmas this year. It is the Zondervan thinline "duo-soft" cover edition, a nice Bible. If I didn't have so many Bibles, I would have got myself one.