hehe...a babpist priest invited me & my hubby to church last night to see a "motivational" speaker. We thought "sure why not"....it was interesting . I kinda let my mind wander once the guy started bashing homosexuality...but when he started talking about the ten plagues, he got really gruesome in his description of wiping lambs blood on people's doors so their firstborns wouldnt be killed. As he was telling this story with such enthusiasm , I couldnt help but think 'i dont believe god would create life, view life as SoooOOOoo sacred no matter what life it is, and then make people go and grab little lambs for the sake of a sacrifice and have them cut them open and smear their blood on their doors.' If god was so loving, he'd figure out some other swell way to have people honor him and show obedience. thats just freaking gross.
ANYWAY..... nuff about that. it just got me thinking when the speaker was talking about the river of blood. Later, I said to my hubby "do they really believe it was real blood? Do the JW's really believe that?" to which he told me that it was probably red algae or volcanic stuff that made it APPEAR to be blood.
So my question: Is that how Christians and/or JW's view it? Do they really believe it was REAL blood? or do they view it as symbolic? For some reason, it just gave me the giggles thinking about all the goofiness that some people believe.