Thank you, Lillith...I tried clicking on the link & it didnt work. Anybody else able to do it?? I wanna see!
JoinedPosts by homeschool
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
TRUST me, if I didn't have anybody "in", I wouldnt attempt either. The fact that I haven't been told that I'm argumentative since the 1st study session is a huge deal....just gotta roll with it.
I'm already almost done with Steven Hassan's RELEASING THE BONDS. I would highly recommend folks read it, but read COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL first. Both are very helpful...I think
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Hey, any help/constructive criticism you have to offer is very welcome . I will definitely check out that link. At this point, I dont want to take away my family's hope for the future or show them the Bible isn't true. I don't want to show that there are other true religions out there (there's not, in my opinion). What I DO want to show is that the WTB$ is not true.
Dark...woweeWoW. Our discussion of Jah's name is certainly not over. Its in my lil notebook of things to bring up again, and your point is quite valid.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Why thank you, OnthewayOut. I'm keeping my hopes low though (to increase my patience level ). For so long, I just accepted that's how my family is...then one day I thought "heck NO thats not how it has to be!"
I just received Releasing the Bonds in the mail. Unfortunately, our dummy mailman stuck it in a place OTHER than the mailbox & its soaking wet cover to cover. Just as soon as its dry, i'm gonna read it
does jack barr still give talks?
by ninja inany takers?.
.....and if so....did he give a talk at johnson city tennessee this year?.
LoL...I'm done. for real this time.
does jack barr still give talks?
by ninja inany takers?.
.....and if so....did he give a talk at johnson city tennessee this year?.
.......and you are so positive about her talking about jack barr being us....what assembly?.....should be easy to find out....ask her
When did I say I was positive? I was telling what was told to me. And, no, I'm not going to ask....I don't care enough. I have nothing to do with Washington or quit going around in circles. Go have another one.
I'm sorry to see you're still not out of your angry stage
, but I have nothing to do with it. Pick on someone must be SUCH a pleasure to live with.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
...insearch...probably because that would be like porn in a jw's have literature with paintings of naked paradisians , even if there were little leaves or trees conveniently blocking the no-no special places.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
homeschool a sidenote, I went walking with my sister today. She mentioned the vegetarian topic to her husband, who reiterated that its "a personal choice" if people want to eat meat or not. I told her I googled Seventh Day Adventists last night & found a page describing why they are vegetarians. Basically, they dont consume anything that doesnt glorify god: meat, caffeine, alcohol, refined sugar. The 7th Day website quoted many scriptures backing up their beliefs.
*** Keep in mind, I don't even believe the Bible is the truth at this point in life. The reason that I'M a vegetarian has nothing to do with the beliefs discussed.
She mentioned how, after the flood, god allowed people to eat meat. "why do you suppose that is, Homeschool?" "I responded, 'well, if there was a worldwide flood, then maybe food was scarce'
"Exactly" she said.
I asked, "But food was scarce. We havent had a flood like that since then. If god only allowed it at the time because there was no other food, but his intentions were for Adam & Eve to be vegetarians & his plans for the paradise wont include eating meat....shouldnt christians strive to not eat meat?"
She agreed....or at least apperaed to agree.
Hello id like to intruduce myself
by Belly inive been lurking this site for quite a while but for some reason never could muster up the courage to post.. let me give a little background on my self.. i am 18 and male an still living with my parents.
i was baptised at 15 basically against my will (by cracking under the pressure) but only truly broke out of the drone like mindswhen i was 17. since then its been totall choas in my life all of it stemming from the orginization of course.
my parents are the defenition of brainwashed wittnesses, my father even belives he is anointed.. after i got baptised i suffered from intense deppression and with a little soul searching, after a year i realized that i need some time for my self.
Welcome, Belly. It'll be nice to hear the rest of your story. You're not alone. I was around your age when, for the same reasons, I left as well. You'll be okay.
Why were you baptized?
by bluecanary ininspired by another thread.. i was baptized at 12 years old.
i had a cousin, two years older than me, who was prettier, more outgoing and more popular in the hall than i was.
i couldn't beat her at any of that stuff, but i figured i could be a better jw than she was.
darkl1ght3r.... that is a VERY good observation. You didnt even know how to get a girl preggers & yet they allowed you commit your life. Do we rEALLY know what we want at that age? I was 16 and I REALLY wanted to be with someone who I'm SOooOOOOOoooO glad I didnt end up with. And I wanted to get my driver's license. I didn't even have my driver's license & they allowed me to devote forever to them. Hmph.
Lucky Calamity, Thank you for the tears and the friendship hugs! Other than my little rants every so often on here, I really am quite happy . I'm glad I'm out too!