Blondie yr commend are very nice. welcome
Blondie yr commend are very nice. welcome
here in italy rome wts sell and letterature stamp in germany and also speanish do so close all... and workers what do?.
why wt$ do this ?
some body know?
if them make constructions new 2015 to 2020.. harmaghedn not come more???? magazine say come at hand.. but whit them program not show so..
" (1 corinthians 5:11-13).
(a) why is the disfellowshipping arrangement a loving one?
20 the disfellowshipping arrangement is really a loving provision from jehovah.
yesterday the conductor has given emphasis this says wts... it is correct, fond and love do so,not say also only hi.. 1° gion. is as hello..
I think this is very wrong.. this not say Bible.
this haved did me my friends and also boysfriend my daughter.. not say me hi when come my home..
apparently a whole congregation in italy left the wbts.. but i don't know for sure as i don't understand italian.. could somebody please translate this youtube film.. you will put me out of my misery and inform the whole board. .
thank you in advance.
nick.. is good for do traloter..
this congregation in Syracuse they taught love, altruism needs of sisters and brothers. wts has disassociato everybody. WTS this doesn't like.why needs to go to distribute magazines books
yep, you read that right.
my sister-in-law and her new husband moved down not too long ago.
we just recently heard they had to leave....why?
haved organization WTS is been recognized in mexico??
Thank very much Nick see y, infotggeova is very good site,
in this site English help me too, so this way I can learn and to make practice of the language English, i can have more information in English.
in this site for me is difficult to find the posts, also those that I write , I have to sign number otherwise of the post I lose this. there is some other way>? hel me..
" (1 corinthians 5:11-13).
(a) why is the disfellowshipping arrangement a loving one?
20 the disfellowshipping arrangement is really a loving provision from jehovah.
very interesting this week's study book Cap 4.
the authority of the WTS is as that of the manages arms world to respect the hierarchies. .. pfff not to make evil..... I don't think so... if the congregation is as a family.. because children and wife can expose your ideas, instead in the congregation non possible ? does someone know, has Jesus entrusted the GB of authority with which event?
here in italy rome wts sell and letterature stamp in germany and also speanish do so close all... and workers what do?.
why wt$ do this ?
some body know?
I also think, something plot,
" (matt.
(a) why are those conscious of their spiritual need happy?
hello Blondie your post Comments are very excellent , continua so.. hugs
so i ask this because, we read in luke 22:19, "to keep doing this in remebrance of me.
" so the society says that we are commanded to continue to observe this.
however, in john 6:53,54 we read, "most assuredly, i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
memorial only for people new who come ,,so them can control them mind too.. so hope .. pffff