Hello all
do you know in Italian wt which ??
bethel lunchtime....their is always a young brother who eats more potatoes or chicken etc.
leaving the plate empty and others from his table scrounging from other "less hungry" tables.
so some writer with a chip on his shoulder writes this article.. watchtower 1974 p.167 "glutton...fails to show love for jehovah.
Hello all
do you know in Italian wt which ??
by means of human rule was sure to fail.
that jehovahs way of governing is.
jehovahs way of governing.
these articles have the purpose to bring to accept without reservations the authority of the GB
by means of human rule was sure to fail.
that jehovahs way of governing is.
jehovahs way of governing.
someone succeeds in finding where is shakes the doctrine of the wj??
someone succeeds in finding where is shakes the doctrine of the WJ???
information taken from the june 2010 awake.
my guesses for releases this year will be an update creation book and a book on jeremiah.
two books were released as recently as 2008 so i don't think this would be out of the question.. friday.
Do you have file of discors conferenz special 2010?
same boby have scheme the talked special 2010???.
my english is very poor my sweet friends
any years do this so last year i have unloaded this conferenz..lecture but this year again no
same boby have scheme the talked special 2010???.
same boby have scheme the Talked special 2010???
hello all. i would like have new avatar as like me. what i do for that?
zoiks inspired this thread when he mentioned this book elsewhere.. i have read other threads on this forum about it, but i always enjoy the fresh insight on here.. commentary on the letter of james was always my favorite book from wtbs, partly because i love the book of james, but also because it was one of the books that dealt with more practical christian living than constant wt doctrine.. i mentioned to a number of people that i loved that book, and got a few comments of "well, you know that book was written by an apostate.".
it didnt take me long to do a little math - that book came out i believe in 1979/1980, right around the time of the great purge.
how could someone write such an excellent book and then be branded an apostate just a few months later???.
it is strange that has not removed this book comment to Giacomo, with "auxiliary to understand the Bible" this write ray, them has did , been removed and put perspicacity,
matthew 24:34; luke 31:32 .
*** w84 5/15 4-7 1914-the generation that will not pass away ***.
(matthew 24:21; revelation 16:14, 16) .
Hi Mac
could I have in Italian that'?
thank very mcuh