I had a similar experience regarding my oldest daughter back in the early 80s. She went through a wild time in her teens and despite our best efforts got into smoking and partying. She was disfellowshipped at age 15. We had a cong. book study at our home and one day two elders (one was my brother-in-law) came to visit to inform us that some in the book study group were offended because we still had a photo of her on display in our home. I regret to say that we put her picture in the back part of the house. Now I wish I had told them to go straight to hell.
Since then the brother-in-law's own son has married, divorced, moved in with his uncle (his father's brother), starting messing with the uncle's wife and ended up marrying her and running off. Meanwhile, my daughter got her life back on track, had two great kids of her own and a great career, nice hubby, nice home. I wonder if he ever thinks back to what a p@#ck he and the other guy were when they came to see us that day.
These guys have no mercy.