So I was talking to my mother the other day, and she was distressed because she was saying that if my little sister isn't baptized or working toward it by the time she's 18 (which is coming up soon) she may have to move out (more then likely she'll move in with me and my girlfriend, or my older sister if that happens). My little sister is a great kid (high honor roll, no trouble, hard worker, etc), that many parents would be grateful to have. I asked my mom why they would kick her out if she's not giving them any trouble, but just isn't baptized? Well I guess they had the CO recently, and he told my elder dad that if she (as an adult) is living with them and not baptized that it would be a poor example and he would most likely have to step down. I thought "Wow, you've got to be shiting me"! Is this guy for real??? I asked my mom, why would they take parenting advice from a guy who doesn't (and hasn't) ever had kids? In fact the CO I don't think has ever even been married (so of course he knows alot about families). I guess I don't understand why so many people listen to these dirtbag CO's (when it comes to their kids) when none of them have kids themselves. I told my mom him giving you parenting advice is like a poor person giving a rich person investment advice. I hate the CO
I hate the CO
by superman 54 Replies latest jw friends
Do you know this CO's name?
PM it to me if you can.
I believe this "advice" may have been given by other COs as well.
Jesus wasn't a parent but he too knew what he was talking about.....
The COs are saying that if someone is under your roof and they are not doing what they're expected to do---you, the head, are responsible.
Very soon, NO ONE will qualify for any "privileges".
Hopefully, your sis will just get out and make a real responsible life for herself.
Hey VM44, I'm not sure what his name is I don't really got to the meetings anymore, and my parents are in a different area from me anyway. But I figure if they keep going like this, there will be no kids left.
Look at this similar advice given by another CO.
Posted by easyreader1970 on May 8, 2009
Your children are worthless. Get rid of them.
Last night the CO came to visit. He gave a talk that centered around a Christian's ability to function well within the Organization. There are many Christians who are having problems in their personal lives and this can be traced to one thing. THEIR CHILDREN.
1. It's not your fault if your heathen children don't want to serve Jehovah. If you've even done the minimum by just bringing them to the meetings and showing them the Bible Story book every now and then, that's enough for them to have known something about Jehovah. If they still aren't serving Jehovah and they are near grown are grown, it's because they want to practice what is vile (yes, he used those words, borrowed from scripture).
2. They are a drain on you spiritually. Even if they are your children, if they are unbaptized or disfellowshipped, you need to kick them to the curb if they are able to take care of themselves. Do not keep living with these people. (This explains why one of our elders was inexplicably removed from active duty--his daughter lives with him. As a side note, he is ultra-tight with his daughter so he'd probably never kick her out.)
3. The Society is going to be coming out with even more information on living with people who are on the fringes of the Organization or who are outside of it altogether. He said that JWs are keeping relationships with their family members instead of SHUNNING THEM COMPLETELY as they have been instructed.
This brother, the CO, also claims to be one of the "anointed" so his words supposedly carry additional weight. At the end of the talk he says that he knows that it's rough counsel but it must be done.
My wife was shocked. Not by the fact solely that he's instructing people to kick their kids to the curb if they refuse to cooperate, but that they still support living with a marriage mate who is disfellowshipped or an unbeliever. It seemed a bit double-standard-ish to her, and she is a die-hard, the-Witnesses-can-never-be-wrong worshipper. -
If you read what he said, it is clear that Jesus loved kids.
If you listen to what they say, its seems most higher ups in the WTB$ hate kids.
Sorry, but I cannot buy this story at all....It goes against everything that the WT has ever taught about family life ...
I think somebody is just making it up...although perhaps passed on in good faith ?
Bluesbrother are you serious?
BB, I know of an elder who HAD to kick his granddaughter and grandkids out or else risk losing his eldership and she's not even DF'd!
I know this sounds heartless, but she'll be better off living in a non-jw househld. If she can safely live with you or another non-jw relative, try to get her into college. Dirty bastards like these COs need to learn that there is life outside of the Watchtower.