Hi Bobcat,
I understand time is precious for everybody so I try to be short
I firstly would rebuild my thought: the "1914" wasn't a "turrning point" even for the world history . It was more precisely an "accelerating point" for the unfolding of the 20th century' (humankind's ) history events ... (Im not sure how "english" sounds my expression , but I hope you readers understand )
I repeat the fact that the 1914' thing has no relevance for the "worshiper with spirit" of God , simply because all the theories around it have nothing to do with the "teaching of Christ" ! - it it beyound the limits of Jesus teachings / see 2John 1:9.
I mean, both the expectances believed to take place that year , as also the methods and reasons used for the calculation of that year were NOT biblical, and beyound of "Christ's teaching", so they were absolutely wrong, and worse than that, theirs believing in that idea (regarding 1914) has imprimed a bad course of God's people before their God.
If you will read this (my) post , what do you understand ?