Well I don't believe in reincarnation...I believe in the reborn of the Human Soul. But since it is a funny topic, I would say he is Rutherford who is leading JW's in the War of Armaggedon against the Political system of this world!!!
JoinedPosts by JustHuman14
Meet Loukanikos - the most famous Greek dog according to Times Magazine!!!
by JustHuman14 inthis loukanikos...the protester dog who fights against new world order and he is always on the side of the protesters...a great article by times magazine.... .
http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2102191_2327694,00.html .
by wasblind in" if any ...organization claim to represent god, but decline to use god's.
personal name....are they measuring up to this important qualification.
of a true prophet?
They are not isnpired, but they are directed by the Holy Spirit, thus they can fail to predict any prophecy and still be "God's mouthpiece" since they are only DIRECTED and not inspired!!!
Does this makes any sense to you?
Not sure what to tell my 4 year old about Santa
by jwfacts inmy adorable little son is very excited about christmas.
i have not made a big thing about it, but he must have picked up the christmas spirit from what he is seeing in the shops and on tv.
he loves the music, and movies and all the decorations.
It is good that you told him that is a story and indeed that's the way it is. Just let him to enjoy the Chrismas spirit and eventually he will grow and realize the true behind this. He is only 4, let his imagination fly...
Meet Loukanikos - the most famous Greek dog according to Times Magazine!!!
by JustHuman14 inthis loukanikos...the protester dog who fights against new world order and he is always on the side of the protesters...a great article by times magazine.... .
http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2102191_2327694,00.html .
He is famous in Greece, and everyone takes care of him...
Meet Loukanikos - the most famous Greek dog according to Times Magazine!!!
by JustHuman14 inthis loukanikos...the protester dog who fights against new world order and he is always on the side of the protesters...a great article by times magazine.... .
http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2102191_2327694,00.html .
It is funny, and so real...we know this dog in Greece for the last 3 years, there have been many emails regarding this guy in Greece and some funny claims that he is the leader of the demonstrations, since he has taken part in all of the anti-goverment protests...
Meet Loukanikos - the most famous Greek dog according to Times Magazine!!!
by JustHuman14 inthis loukanikos...the protester dog who fights against new world order and he is always on the side of the protesters...a great article by times magazine.... .
http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2102191_2327694,00.html .
This Loukanikos...the protester dog who fights against New World Order and he is always on the side of the protesters...a great article by times magazine...
do you think the GB are wondering why armargeddon dosn't come?
by highdose inare they deluded enough to think that it must happen soon?
or are they just stringing everyone along?.
personaly i think that russell had good intentions and probably belived what he wrote ( although dosn't make it right) but i don't belive that any other gb has really belived the trash that is supposed to be the jw religon.
They are liars and they KNOW that. They KNOW that their entire theological structure it was build upon sand. They have no theological foundation for their existence as a religion and as leaders of that religion. They KNOW that their dating system is complete wrong for at least 45 years. They KNOW that 607 B.C does not have any Biblical and historical evidence. But they have created a labyrinth of dates and so called prophecies that have been fulfilled having as foundation 607 B.C. As a result they cannot change those dates, since they are linked to their only excuse that they are "God's mouthpiece"on earth. So if they take way 1914, then there is no 1919(the supposed inspection of Jesus on earth that choose them)and they will have no reason of existence.
They KNOW very well that there is no Armageddon, they just use the fear of the big A to control 7 million people, who think and believe that the GB are God's representatives on earth
Eurozone crisis- the jw's are crowing about it like mad!
by highdose inover the past few weeks i've been told that the eurozone will go into melt down and that this will be the start of armargeddon because the goverments will then turn on religon to get their money instead.. i have been told that the greek pm almost rejecting the greek bailout plan would lead to armargeddon.
of course much to the jw's disapointment the greek pm resigned and the greeks did accept the bail out.
thus saving the greek banks from collapse and thus the rest of the european banks.. i have been told that italys debt will mean they will plunder the vatican for its wealth!
They just love when there is a crisis in the world, either is financial, war, or a natural catastrophic event!!! The crisis is control by few financial organizations in the world and they created this situation in order to gain more money. It is simple as that. Greece was just the experiment of what to follow next.
All of our labor rights have vanished, they have reduced the salary of the middle working person. You work for a whole day just to get 650 euros a month!!! You have absolutely no rights, no unions to protect you, and you have to accept without any question the reduction of your income with the thread over your head that you will be fired. For sure there are people who will be gaining a lot from this crisis, and this few are the ones who control the financial system of Capitalism.
There will be no real Democracy( from the Hellenic word Demos(puplic)and kratos(hold)) Our Prime Ministers, our Presidents, will not be a result of a Democratic ellection, but they will be appointed by the Financial System, and this what has really happened in Greece and Italy, that we have two Prime Ministers that are appointed by IMF, and both they were part of that Organization.
The world we are living is constanly changing, the point is what we are doing about it. Are we going just sit there, and leave other people decide for us, without us, or we are going to define our own destiny?
What Drug Helps You Cope With Your Mentally Diseased Apostate Mind?
by AvocadoJake incollege, exericise, reading, sports, beer, women, men, or drugs?.
How long can one continue as an unbelieving JW?
by mankkeli inis it really possible to continue as a jw but not believing in it anymore.
for how long can one keep up with this pace of life?.
i will appreciate it if any scientific study had been done on this and what has the result showed?..
this question it might have many answers. It depends upon the circumstances of each indivitual. In my cases I lasted 5 years. I became innactive as soon I realize that my entire life was fake and based upon a lie, made by some humans who think they are "God's people". I was for 5 years innactive and then my ex-wife turned me to the elders for apostasy. She did this in fact not once, but two times!!! So I said I had enough of your religion and I gave them hard questions to the Judical Comitee(you know the ones you should never ask when you are JW)
As a result they refuse to answer and I said if you can't give me answers then I do not feel that I will going to support a religion that doesn't answers questions and request blind faith!!!
So actually it is upon you. The best thing it is to fade out so you can still associate your relatives and friends. They will just say that you are "weak in faith", and you don't have to go through the process of shunning