Eurozone crisis- the jw's are crowing about it like mad!

by highdose 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    over the past few weeks i've been told that the eurozone will go into melt down and that this will be the start of armargeddon because the goverments will then turn on religon to get their money instead.

    I have been told that the greek PM almost rejecting the greek bailout plan would lead to armargeddon. of course much to the JW's disapointment the greek PM resigned and the greeks did accept the bail out. Thus saving the greek banks from collapse and thus the rest of the european banks.

    I have been told that italys debt will mean they will plunder the vatican for its wealth! Of course much to the jw's disapointment. The Italian PM has gone and italy has been bailed out.

    Still they crow triumpunt! " see! see? its all taking place just as the bible fortold!" " Soon the euro zone will go into melt down and then they will have to turn and plunder relgion to save themselves! you can see it happening!".

    What do you think will happen to the eurozone and how would you answer these insane JW's on the subject?

  • james_woods

    Exactly what in the bible predicted the Eurozone crises?

    This is not exactly fitting in with the four horsemen, etc...

  • iCeltic

    who told you?

  • outsmartthesystem

    whatever the latest crises is......whether it is a earthquake......the spread of the H1N1........a financial disaster......etc. No matter what it is......THIS latest piece of news is proof that the end is near

  • AnnOMaly

    It was foretold here:

    What is taking place today throughout the world economy is a clear, advance warning signal that we are nearing the end of the present economic systems on earth. While temporary measures by some governments may halt, or even reverse, the trend for a short while, these will do no good in the long run. Why not? Because present world conditions, including the economic uncertainties, provide unmistakable evidence that the entire world system, not just the financial part of it, has entered its time of the end. ...

    ... The "last days" were foretold to culminate in a "great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matt. 24:21) That tribulation will clear the earth of the economic factors that have brought and continue to bring hardships upon millions. In fact, all human governments and their monetary systems will be replaced by one government-a righteous administration in the hands of the self-sacrificing Son of God, Jesus Christ.-Isa. 9:6, 7; Dan. 2:44.

    When the "great tribulation" strikes, even the most stable of the world's monetary systems will be unable to buy protection. The situation will then parallel that of the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem in the seventh century B.C.E. Regarding them, the prophet Ezekiel foretold:

    "Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's fury."-Ezek. 7:19.

    So the danger in which we find ourselves today is far graver than the collapse of all national currencies. Bible prophecy clearly establishes that the generation now living faces an unequaled "great tribulation," at which time only an approved standing with God will be of any real value. (Matt. 24:34) People everywhere should therefore think seriously about what they can do to survive that destruction. Are you endeavoring to build up a record of fine works with the Creator so that you may be among those hidden in the day of his fury?

    Oh wait. Wrong era. This is from Awake!1974 1/22 p. 8, Where Is Your Money Heading?

  • PaintedToeNail

    AnnOMaly-Wow! I thought it was a new article, instead of a nearly forty year old one!


  • ABibleStudent

    Hi highdose, just ask them if they have enough financial resources for retirement. It is more likely that they will need to retire than that the Apocalypse will come. If they pooh pooh you, then remind them of the 1878, 1914, 1925, and 1975 predictions and that the 100th anniversary of the 1914 prediction will occur in about 2 years.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • finallysomepride

    They say the same thing for every crisis, bunch of dipshits, always crying wolf

  • Hoffnung

    If worst comes to the worst, Greece and some other countries will quit the Euro, and devaluate their currency, with 20-30, maybe 50 %. This will have some impact on banks in other European countries, who have loans and bonds in these Greece, Italy, portugal & Spain, but we are still far away from a meltdown. In the US, you have poor states and rich states. The quasi bankrupcy of California did not cause the rest of the US going broke either.


  • sonny.alfaro

    Hi everyone, i'm new here.

    But we can't deny the fact that the situation in the world is dire right now...and getting worse day-by-day.

    The dilemma we have is this: We can really say that whatever's happening now is normal, because honestly, its turning from bad to worse.

    As things worsen, it will only validate the JWs prognosis of the coming Great Tribulation.

    As each crisis worsens, their teaching of God's government replacing human governments becomes more acceptable to their listeners, as failure of man to govern itself becomes more obvious.

    As people all over the world becomes desperate, the message of a Paradise earth becomes more appealing to their audience.

    I have some doubts about the JW religion, but on the back of my mind, i have to open my mind on the possibilities of the truthfulness of their message.

    What if one day we wake up and the whole world is saying, 'Peace and Security!'?

    What if the scarlet colored wild beast suddenly start devouring the harlot?

    Is it really so far-fetched that the Great Tribulation will absolutely not going to happen?

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