It seems that the subject is going strong!!!! For those who try to explain Trinity with Human thinking:
Can you explain with Human mind the idea that God has no beggining or end?
Can you explain that He is beyond Time and Time cannot have any effect on God?
Can you explain how He can be omnipresent?
Can you explain ressurection?
Can you explain the mystery of Holy Communion when the Wine and Bread turns into the REAL FLESH AND BLOOD OF JESUS?
Can you explain miracles that Saints perform and cured and STILL cure believers?
There many things that Human understanding cannot conceive. You try to explain Trinity with human mind and you condemn something you do not understand.
Well Trinity was in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament. The Word was with God, and GOD WAS THE WORD...
Perhaps is about time to see the real problem that you will have when you do not accept JESUS AS THE GOD....For the Early Apostolic Church, we have writtings from the Succesors of the Apostoles, like Bishop Ignatios 120AD and many more early writtings that accepted Trinity... The only problem is that the Protestands and Unitarians have broke from the Roman Catholic Church who unforutnately left with a schisma the Holy Apostolic Church. Protestands have no idea of the History and writtings that the Early Apostolic Church has and most of all NO APOSTOLIC SUCCESION...
The reason that the Nicaia Synodos was held it was a matter of definition for the Trinity dogma, that was accepted AS A FACT for more than 300 years of Christian Apostolic history. Arius was a heretic and he was severe panished by God (died in toilet the same day)for his attitude to question what was given from the Holy Spirit to the Apostles.
JustHuman14 formely known justhuman