Oh ok, add another B.
Ignored One.
if you remember messenger, do you know what happened to him?
i used to like to read his posts.
Oh ok, add another B.
Ignored One.
if you remember messenger, do you know what happened to him?
i used to like to read his posts.
messenger turned out to be an alias for another poster whose name I wont mention for fear of being flamed.
But I will say the letter B.
Ignored One.
on january 1st, after a week of no sleep, working through xmas and its stress and months of marital super-stress i walked into my room and gave up.
i told god that if he wanted to step in, to do so now, as otherwise im going.
i sat down and swallowed a brand new prescription of valium 10mg as well as clonadine, also a new prescription.
Thinking of you.
Ignored One.
i just came across this song by a punk bank p/k/a "blanks 77.
" it is entitled "jehovahs witness.
" i found a site with the lyrics: .
Didn't the Eels do a song called Jehovah's Witness too?
Ignored One.
to all of you that have got to the new year and are nursing hangovers, .
to all of you that have nearly got there and are a bit closer than the ones that are getting there.
happy new year and a peacefull 2003.. take care,.
Happy New Year everyone!!!
.....or why they won't let me play at the kingdom halls anymore.
sorry to wreck everyone's lovely christmas eve, but it's time for some brutal torture!
if nothing else, "dubsticks" illustrates how a perfectly normal and often happy person is going along in life minding his or her own business, and then dubs enter into that life and change everything.
Hey Fark that was great.
Ignored One.
bill bowen may be more important than some of us think he is.
there was a post back in july this year that began: wycliffe, tyndale,..........bowen .
It does appear that "silentlambs" and "messenger" share the same ip.
This thread interested me:
Ignored One.
rather than focus on ted jarasz of the watchtower's gov body being openly accused as a child molestor and the like, some fruitcakes falsely claimed bill bowen, (the exposer of the wt's pedophile coverup policy) attacked ray franz and just today hint that perhaps he sabotaged his own website.
they also try to plant seeds of jealousy against bill bowen.
this is a clear effort to try to play bill bowen against franz (both of whom oppose watchtower tyranny) and to destroy silentlambs.
Hey Nancee,
Would you like some nuts with your fruitcake?
Ignored One.
alright, my heart is pumping.
i'll try to keep this short.. before i left i had made quite a few friends over in england, from going to assemblies.
over a couple of years they visited me in california, i visited them in england.
Small world eh?
Ignored One. <- remaining anonymous.
sub-heading from msnbc story on n. korean ship carrying missles:.
growing tension with pyongyang .
lead story on motley fool newsletter:.
All I can say is enjoy:
Ignored One.